
  • 网络Safety Assessment In Operation
  1. 陆上油田油气集输站场安全现状评价探讨输油中转站-输油气

    Study on safety assessment in operation of oil and gas gathering and transportation station in onshore oil and gas field

  2. AHP在煤矿安全现状评价中的应用

    Application of AHP in the Coal Mine Safety Present evaluation

  3. 制氧企业安全现状评价技术方法探讨

    Discussion on the safety assessment for the manufacture of oxygen enterprise

  4. 尾矿库安全现状评价体系与方法探讨

    Discussion on assessment system and approach to safety actuality of tailing pond

  5. 安全现状评价导则

    Guideline for the Evaluation of Current Status of Safety

  6. 鄱阳湖水生态安全现状评价与趋势研究

    Study on status evaluation and trend of water ecosystem security in Poyang Lake

  7. 6×10~4t/a甲醇装置安全现状评价方法的探讨

    Discussion about Safety Actuality Assessment Methods of 6 × 10 ~ 4t / a Methanol Unit

  8. 论文在建立的理论基础上以北京市为实例,进行了北京市水环境安全现状评价与历史评价。

    On the basis of above , the thesis evaluates the actuality and history of WES in Beijing .

  9. 对制氧企业进行的安全现状评价,其评价结果是企业能否获得安全生产许可证的条件之一。

    The result of safety evaluation on oxygen enterprises is one of the conditions for enterprise to access safe production license .

  10. 此评价体系先后在近40个尾矿库安全现状评价中应用,效果良好。

    This assessment system has been used in more than 40 tailing ponds 's safety assessment of actuality , and good effect was obtained .

  11. 并以此方法对炼油系统部分装置的综合危害级别进行了分析,使安全现状评价和分析具有比较理想的效果。

    The method can also be used to analyze comprehensive damage grades of some units used in petrol refining system , which can make the evaluation and analysis of evaluation of state pro of safety get desired results .

  12. ASP平台下的煤矿安全现状综合评价系统的开发

    Development of Compositive Assessment System of Safety Actuality in Coal Mines under ASP Plateform

  13. 某化工厂甲醛生产安全现状综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation on Safety Situation of Formaldehyde Production in One Chemical Plant

  14. 煤矿安全现状综合评价方法研究

    The Study on the Compositive Assessment Method of the Safe Actuality in Coal Mines

  15. 浅议矿山建设施工企业一通三防安全现状专项评价

    Special Evaluation of Safety Conditions of " One Ventilation and Three Preventions " in Mine Construction

  16. 通过分析和比较,在多级模糊综合评判的基础上,选择了较优的模糊综合算子,对非煤露天矿山的安全现状进行评价。

    Through comparing and analyzing , and on the basis of the multistage fuzzy mathematics theory , an excellent fuzzy comprehensive operator is selected .

  17. 分别论述了企业固有危险性评价、企业安全管理现状评价和企业现实危险性评价的定义、评价范围和内客、评价方法,以及评价的目的与作用。

    The definition , scope , content and method as well as the aim and function involved in the inherent hazard , actural hazard and safety assessment are discussed .

  18. 中药注射剂安全性现状与评价方法的研究

    The state and safety evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection

  19. 石化生产装置安全现状模糊综合评价方法研究

    Study on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Safety State of Petrochemical Production Installations

  20. 石化企业安全现状模糊综合评价系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Synthetical System for Safety State of Petrochemical Enterprise

  21. 建立了冶金矿山矿井安全现状模糊综合评价指标体系。

    In this paper , the author established the index system of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the safety situation in the underground metallurgy mine .

  22. 该评价方法既适用于现有化工园区安全规划现状的评价,也适用于不同安全规划方案优劣的评价与比较;评价应用研究的结果表明,该评价方法具有良好的应用性能。

    This method is suitable for both the assessment of safety programming situation of existing chemical industry parks and the comparison and assessment of different programs ; the result of application research showed that this method has a good application performance .

  23. 本文以海南岛海岸带为研究区,在遥感和地理信息系统技术的支持下分析了海岸带区域生态环境胁迫特征,对研究区生态安全现状进行系统评价和分析。

    Coastal zones in Hainan province are regarded as the study areas in this paper . Threat characteristics of regional ecological environment in coastal zones are analyzed by support of RS and GIS and the ecological safety conditions of study areas are systematically assessed and analyzed .

  24. 文章结合工程实例,提出建筑施工企业消除安全隐患的措施和建议,并明确安全现状评价在建筑施工企业中地位与重要意义。

    Combing with a project example , the thesis puts forward measures and suggestions for the construction enterprises to remove hidden troubles , and makes clear the status and important meaning of safety management assessment to the construction enterprises .

  25. 当前人类对生态安全的研究主要是对生态安全概念的认识、生态安全现状的评价或评估、生态系统健康诊断、生态风险评价、生态安全预警以及生态安全维护和管理等方面。

    The current research on ecological security is about the concept of ecological security , ecological security evaluation , eco-system health assessment , ecological risk assessment , early warning of ecological security and ecological security maintenance and management .

  26. 生态安全评价研究的重要性要求人类必须应用现有先进技术对生态安全现状进行准确评价。

    The importance of the ecological security evaluation requires the mankind to use existing advanced technology to carry on accurate appraisal to the security of current ecology situation .