
  • 网络Monteggia;Monsell
  1. 目的:儿童陈旧孟氏骨折通常需要手术治疗。

    Objective : Children 's old Monteggia fracture usually needs operation .

  2. 手法整复加外固定治疗孟氏骨折

    Treatment of Monteggia ' fractures by manipulative reduction and external fixation

  3. 孟氏裂头绦虫染色体组型和C分带的研究

    Studies on karyotypes and C-banding of spirometra mansoni

  4. 本文应用限制性核酸内切酶HaeⅢ显示了孟氏裂头绦虫染色体G分带,获得了较好的G带带纹。

    G-banding of the chromosomes meets with success by using restriction endo-nucleas Hae ⅲ in Spirometra mansoni .

  5. 8例有术后出血,用10%孟氏液、口服VitK后血止。

    Cases had bleeding after operation . 10 % Monsell 's solution and oral vit k were used to stop bleeding .

  6. 62例儿童孟氏骨折的诊断分型与治疗

    Clinical classification and treatment of Monteggia 's fractures in 62 children

  7. 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折的病理形态观察及治疗分析

    The Pathomorphism Change and Treatment of Old Monteggia Fracture in Children

  8. 新鲜儿童孟氏骨折治疗方法的选择

    Options of Treatment Methods for Fresh Monteggia Fractures in Children

  9. 儿童孟氏骨折并同侧桡尺骨远端骨骺骨折

    Monteggia fracture accompanied with distal radial and ulnal epiphysial fracture in children

  10. 目的探讨人脑孟氏迭宫裂头蚴病的临床病理特点。

    Objective To investigate the clinicopathological characters of cerebral sparganosis .

  11. 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折合并桡神经深支损伤手术疗效分析

    Old Monteggia fracture complicated by deep branch of radial nerve injury in children

  12. 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折的手术治疗及随诊结果

    Treatment of the Delayed Monteggia 's Fracture in Children

  13. 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折的形成原因及手术治疗

    The causes and operative treatment of old Monteggia fracture and dislocation in children

  14. 皮下囊肿型孟氏裂头蚴病一例报告

    Sparganosis mansoni , subcutaneouscystictype & a case report with review of the Chinese Literature

  15. 儿童孟氏骨折的分型及治疗

    Classification and Treatment of Monteggia fracture in Children

  16. 孟氏(粗隆下)截骨术在股骨颈骨折的应用

    The use of Meng s Subtrochanteric Osteotomy in the Treatment of Femoral Neck Fracture

  17. 铜绿微囊藻和孟氏颤藻在富营养化湖泊中生长特征的模拟研究

    Growth characteristics of Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria mougeotii in eutrophic lakes : Simulation experiments

  18. 改良手术治疗儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折

    Improved operation for child old monteggia fracture

  19. 小儿孟氏骨折脱位扣眼畸形的病理认识以及环状韧带重建术的探讨

    Pathology of buttonhole deformity of Monteggia fracture-dislocation and suitability of reconstructive surgery of anular ligaments

  20. 儿童孟氏骨折伴桡神经深支损伤23例临床分析

    Monteggia Fracture of Children Complicating Nerve Radialis Profundus Injuries : Clinical Analysis of 23 Cases

  21. 用环状韧带成形术治疗儿童陈旧孟氏骨折15例

    To study 15 patients with anular ligaments formed operation on children 's old Monteggia fracture

  22. 手法复位治疗儿童孟氏骨折并肘关节脱位

    Manual reduction for the treatment of Monteggia fracture associated with elbow joint dislocation in children

  23. 肘关节伸直桡偏固定治疗新鲜孟氏骨折脱位

    Treatment of fresh Monteggia fracture and dislocation with the elbow joint straightening and radial deviation fixation

  24. 儿童孟氏骨折的治疗探讨

    Treatment of Monteggia Fracture in Children

  25. 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折27例治疗分析

    Analysis of the results of treatment in 27 cases of old Monteggia 's fracture in children

  26. 所有的巨细胞瘤均位于或者临近孟氏孔。

    All giant cell tumors appear to be located at or near the foramen of Monro .

  27. 目的探讨儿童孟氏骨折的临床诊断分型及其相应治疗措施。

    Objective To discuss the diagnostic typing of Monteggia 's fractures in children and the corresponding management .

  28. 目的探讨新鲜儿童孟氏骨折不同治疗方法的选择。

    Objective To investigate the different treatment methods for fresh Monteggia fracture in children and their effects .

  29. 方法:报告24例陈旧性孟氏骨折手术方法及疗效。

    Methods : Reported about the operative methods and effect of 24 cases with old Monteggia fracture .

  30. 儿童陈旧性伸直型孟氏骨折的两种手术方法的疗效分析

    Analysis of the Therapeutic Effect of Two Procedures in the Treatment of Obsolete Monteggia Fractures in Children