
xiào fú
  • mourning dress
孝服 [xiào fú]
  • [mourning dress] 居丧期穿的白布或麻布丧服(中国)或黑衣(西方)

孝服[xiào fú]
  1. 孝服已满。

    The mourning period is over .

  2. 她黑里透红的小脸蛋和浓密的卷发使她显得活泼快乐,看上去与一个刚死了爹娘,身上还穿孝服的孩子应该有的表情很不相称。

    Her dusky red cheek and tight curls gave her an air of gaiety that seemed unsuitable in a child who should still have been in black for her parents .

  3. 后来他转向床铺,仍旧坐着,因为他已站不住,他望着这套黑色的小孝服和所有这些心爱的东西。

    Then he turned towards the bed , and , still seated , for he could not stand , he gazed at the little black gown and all those beloved objects .