
sūn zǐ dìng lǐ
  • Chinese remainder theorem
孙子定理[sūn zǐ dìng lǐ]
  1. 用孙子定理求解雷达测距模糊性

    Application of Chinese Remainder Theorem to radar range ambiguity resolution

  2. 本文给出了孙子定理在数论、多项式环、一般可换环及赋值论中的若干应用。

    In this article , some applications of the Chinese remainder theorem are given in the number theory , polynomial ring , commutative ring and valuation theory .

  3. 孙子定理在通信密钥管理中的一种应用

    An application of Chinese Remainder Theorem to cryptography key management

  4. 孙子定理在近代数学中的若干应用

    Some applications of the Chinese Remainder Theorem in modern mathematics

  5. 此外,受我国古代的“孙子定理”的启发,构造了“孙子码”。

    In addition , Sunzi codes are also established by the enlightenment of ancient Chinese Sunzi theory .

  6. 这种算法对测量误差不敏感,而且既可以解距离模糊又可以解多普勒模糊,所以它的性能优于孙子定理算法。

    The new algorithm has better performance than the Sunzi algorithm because it can rectify the measurement error and can resolve Doppler ambiguity as well as range ambiguity .

  7. 利用数域上一元多项式环与整数环相似的性质,建立数域上一元多项式环中的孙子定理,并给出它的简单应用。

    Using the similarity between polynomial ring and integer ring the paper establishes Sunse 's Theorem in the polynomial ring in number field , and offers its brief learning and practice .

  8. 给出十几个关于多项式互素的等价命题,其中包括数论孙子定理在多项式理论中的反映。

    On the basis of deeply delving into the coprime of polynome , several equivalent propositions are presented , including the reflection of number theory 's Chinese remainder theorem in polynome theory .

  9. 本文给出一个与孙子定理(中国剩余定理)相并行的对偶理论&孙子互余定理,用以解决一元一次互余式组通解的问题。

    A coupled theory in parallel with , Chinese Remainder Theorem , Chinese Complementary Remainder Theorem , is given , which helps solve the problem of common solution for linear complementation formulas of one unknown .

  10. 本文企图通过一种自然的逻辑思路去探索孙子定理发现的思维轨道,并把临界诱导原理渗透到探索进程与教学实践中去。

    In this Paper we want to make a research , by a natural logical thinking way , for the causes to discover the Chinese Remainder Theorem , and apply critical inducing principle into the research process and teaching practice .

  11. 最后详细介绍孙子剩余定理。

    Finally , the paper explains the Chinese remainder theorem .

  12. 论孙子互余定理Ⅰ

    On Chinese Complementary Remainder Theorem ⅰ