
kǒnɡ què lán
  • peacock blue
  1. 孔雀蓝琉璃瓦的釉色研究

    A study on colour of the peacock blue glazed tile

  2. 最新款式做工精美(通常掺有合成弹性纤维),颜色从柔和的粉红色到孔雀蓝,衣领和袖口样式新颖,格当然不会低至3.95美元。

    The latest versions are well tailored ( often blended with Lycra ), range in color from pastel pink to peacock blue , boast very exciting sleeve and neckline cuts and they don 't cost $ 3.95 .

  3. 一个充满视觉刺激的艺术丛聚空间,打著亮眼的CYMK色灯光,孔雀蓝、洋红、正黄色似乎是为拜访者辟开一条道路,引领著他们的方向。

    An Art cluster under CMYK color lighting in Mitte brings the lively atmosphere into the urban life . Cyan , Magenta and Yellow lightings guide the visitors into the art world .

  4. 中国孔雀蓝釉器物的产生及其原因探讨

    On the Appearance and Cause of Turquoise Glaze Porcelain in China

  5. 这颗钻石色泽呈孔雀蓝,大概在1965年,意大利珠宝商宝格丽将它镶嵌在一枚戒指中。

    The diamond is a brilliant blue and is set in a ring made by Italian jeweler Bulgariaround 1965 .

  6. 将彩云之南的孔雀蓝运用在披肩设计上,让女人的自然魅力弥漫夜宴之局。

    Blue Peacock in the south of the clouds , used in the design of a shawl , makes a woman charming throughout a dinner party .

  7. 在娄伯丁新专卖店里,届时孔雀蓝小牛皮布洛克鞋会与点缀装饰拉链豹纹拖鞋(鞋头镶金)与镶嵌金色饰钉的格子布乐福鞋(售价795英镑)同架销售。

    On the shelves at Louboutin there will be peacock-blue calf-leather brogues with decorative zipper detailing , gold-capped leopard-print slippers and golden-studded tartan fabric loafers ( £ 795 ) .