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子婴 [zǐ yīng]
  • [ZiYin] 秦二世胡亥的侄子。赵高杀二世,立他为秦王,在位四十六天。刘邦攻破咸阳。子婴投降。后为项羽所杀。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  1. 但刘邦被迫将咸阳和子婴拱手让给项羽。

    But Liu Bang was forced to hand over Xianyang and Ziying to Xiang Yu .

  2. 公元前206年一月末,项羽杀死子婴并火烧咸阳的宫殿,

    Xiang Yu then killed Ziying and burned down the palace in the end of January 206 B.C.

  3. 子婴的称号是秦王,这也反映了秦朝大势已去,不再控制整个中国。

    Note that the title of Ziying was " king of Qin " to reflect the fad that Qin no longer controlled the whole of China .