
méi ren
  • matchmaker;go-between
媒人 [méi rén]
  • [matchmaker;go-between] 婚姻介绍人;泛指做中介的人

媒人[méi ren]
  1. 数世纪以来,媒人一直在犹太人社区扮演着重要角色。

    The matchmaker has been an important member of Jewish communities for centuries

  2. 你好,Joey,我们的小媒人。

    Janice : Hello , Joey , our little matchmaker .

  3. 正如我们在新书《媒人》中所言,零售业正在重塑。

    The retail industry is getting reinvented , as we describe in our new book Matchmakers .

  4. 女孩找到媒人,说:“你欺骗了我。他的一只眼是假的,你以前为什么没有告诉我?”

    The girl found the go-between and said , " You cheated me ! One of his eyes if not true . Why didn 't you tell me this before ? "

  5. Anderson说,世界银行还以“媒人”和关系网络构建协调人的角色,向城市官员和有可能使该项目付诸实施的合作伙伴介绍(社区绘图)这一理念。

    And the Bank , acting as a " matchmaker " and networker , introduced city officials to the concept and to the partners that could make the project happen , says Anderson .

  6. 利用国家资金对婚姻进行实地研究的媒人板本洋子(yokoitamoto)表示,丈夫和妻子往往变得如此疏远,性似乎成了令人尴尬的私事。

    Yoko itamoto , a matchmaker who conducts state-funded field research on marriage , says husbands and wives often grow so distant that sex seems embarrassingly personal .

  7. “啊!”媒人婆暗笑着出去了。

    " Aha !" The matchmaker grins and leaves the room .

  8. 那媒人说在那儿的女士是她阿姨。

    The matchmaker says that the madam there is her aunt .

  9. 媒人婆给憨熊看了张花大姐的照片。

    The matchmaker shows Han Bear a picture of Miss Ladybug .

  10. 当她回来的时候,媒人婆带回来了一只刺猬!

    When she returns , the matchmaker brings back a hedgehog !

  11. 别扔下我和女儿这两个媒人。

    Don 't forget your matchmakers , this baby and myself .

  12. 你朋友说你是个媒人。

    Your friend said you were sort of a matchmaker .

  13. 汪太太做得好媒人!

    What a fine matchmaker Mrs. Wang had turned out to be !

  14. 说实话,我可不想当什么媒人。

    To be honest , I don 't like to be a go-beween .

  15. 你的朋友显然知道你的型,将成为你的媒人。

    Your friend apparently knows your type and will be a savvy matchmaker .

  16. 反倒是本已认识的邻居,可以充当媒人。

    Neighbours one already knows well may act as a go-between , though .

  17. 米特尔曼是一种财务媒人。

    Mitelman 's a kind of financial matchmaker .

  18. 我也想对她这个媒人说一声感谢,并发点照片给她。

    I would like to tell her my thanks and send pictures , too .

  19. 接待员真的是一个媒人。

    The receptionist was a real matchmaker .

  20. 消息在唐人街绕了三圈儿,然后传到了媒人婆的耳朵里。

    The gossip passes around Chinatown three times and reaches the ear of a matchmaker .

  21. 她是村里的媒人。

    She is the village matchmaker .

  22. 阿母谢媒人。

    The matchmaker her mother declines .

  23. 我同意去相亲,因为媒人是我最好的朋友。

    I agree to go on a blind date as the matchmaker is my best friend .

  24. 邓恩扮演的是媒人的角色。

    Ms. Dunn serves as matchmaker .

  25. 在旧中国,媒人是成功婚姻的一个必不可少的因素。

    In ancient China , the match maker was a necessary factor in a successful marriage .

  26. 越来越多的有钱父母为子女充当媒人角色,而其成效不一。

    Finding the one Rich parents are increasingly playing matchmaker for their offspring , with varying success .

  27. 如今人们需要私人媒人,就像需要私人教练一样。

    Nowadays people have a personal matchmaker in the same way they would have a personal trainer .

  28. 媒人将正式现在他或她的客户的要求来识别的女孩的父母。

    The matchmaker would formally present his or her client 's request to the identified girl 's parents .

  29. 媒人会正式向女方家长提出男方的请求。

    The matchmaker will formally present his or her client 's request to the identified girl 's parents .

  30. 汪处厚想做媒是没有危险的,决不至于媒人本身也做给人去。

    Wang Ch'u-hou saw no danger in being a matchmaker , since the matchmaker herself would never be given away .