
yīng xì tú
  • children at play design
  1. 尽管,《婴戏图》具程式化特点,但并没有停滞不前,仍旧得到了蓬勃发展。

    Although " chiidren at play design " has the stylization characteristic , but has not bogged down , still developed vigorous .

  2. 由此可见,宋代的婴戏图有很高的文化和艺术价值,值得我们去挖掘和研究。

    Consequently , the Song Dynasty " children play painting " worths us to dig and research for its high cultural and artistic value .

  3. 显然,这些在当时的文艺创作中不能不有所反映,就绘画而言,宫廷婴戏图正是在这样的社会背景下发展起来的。

    Obviously , these at the time of the literary creation , is not reflected in the painting , courtyard body in this baby play diagram of the social background .

  4. 两宋时期由于政治的稳定和经济的繁荣,各种文化艺术都得到了蓬勃的发展,定型于隋唐时期的婴戏图也逐渐地走向了成熟与繁荣。

    A variety of arts and culture were vigorously developed in Song Dynasty owing to the political stability and booming economy , " children play painting " stereotyped in the Sui and Tang Dynasties gradually went into maturity and prosperity .