
  • 网络the Grand Canal;Venice Grand Canal;Grand Canal, Venice;Grand Canal Venice
  1. 平底船和汽艇参加了在威尼斯大运河沿岸举办的活动。

    Gondolas and motorboats took part in the event along Venice 's Grand Canal .

  2. 这幅画描绘的是从里亚托桥向北望的威尼斯大运河。

    The painting depicts the Grand Canal , Venice , looking north from the Rialto Bridge .

  3. 威尼斯大运河是威尼斯最重要的运河。

    The Grand Canal : The Grand Canal is the most important canal in Venice , Italy .

  4. 举例来讲,你不仅可以看到巨石阵或威尼斯大运河的一张长长的二维图片。

    For instance , you don 't just see a long , flat picture of Stonehenge or the Grand Canal in Venice .

  5. 总长3.5公里的威尼斯大运河上,一共只有三座桥梁,那你要怎么过河呢?

    Along the 3.5km stretch of Venice 's Grand Canal there are just three bridges , so how do you get across ?

  6. 这是在一座桥上拍摄的威尼斯大运河。

    Venice 's Grand Canal as seen from the Academy Bridge , with the domes of Santa Maria della Salute in the background .

  7. 穿着燕尾服,背后绣着一个特殊的花边,演员乔治克鲁尼骑着水上汽车在威尼斯大运河驰骋。

    Dressed in a tuxedo , and putting a special lace behind it actor George Clooney rode a water taxi up the Grand Canal in Venice .

  8. 就在上周末,一群比利时青少年从建筑师圣地亚哥?卡拉特拉瓦设计的桥上跳入威尼斯大运河,随后该视频被上传至网络,他们也突然走红。

    Only last weekend , a group of Belgian teenagers went viral when they posted a video of themselves jumping off the bridge designed by architect Santiago Calatrava into the Grand Canal .

  9. 在威尼斯拥挤的大运河上,你和5个朋友一起坐船游行40分钟需要花费80欧元(107美元)。

    Eighty euros ( $ 107 ) will buy you and five friends 40 minutes on the crowded Grand Canal .

  10. 雷雅托桥坐落于威尼斯美丽的大运河上,在动作冒险和爱情片中都可立即辨认出它的身影。

    Instantly recognisable from both action adventures and romantic movies , the Rialto Bridge stretches across Venice 's beautiful Grand Canal .