
  • 网络Wickham;Wykeham;William of Wykeham
  1. 伦敦西威克姆的赫伯特先生将这款APP卖给英国其他压力山大的父母,让他们与孩子保持联系。

    Now Mr Herbert , from West Wickham in London , is selling his creation to help stressed out parents across the country keep track of their children .

  2. P·D·詹姆斯(P.D.James)续写的悬疑小说《彭伯利谋杀案》(DeathComestoPemberley)后来也改编成电视剧,剧中的威克姆由马修·古德(MatthewGoode)饰演。

    The mystery novel " Death Comes to Pemberley , " a sequel by P. D. James , featured Matthew Goode as Wickham in the television adaptation .

  3. 阿德里安·卢基斯(AdrianLukis)饰演无赖威克姆。上周日(1月3日),他在《唐顿庄园》中亮相,饰演克劳利一家的一位被迫卖掉祖产的邻居。

    Adrian Lukis played the cad Wickham , and he showed up in last Sunday 's episode of " Downton Abbey " as a neighbor of the Crawleys forced to sell the ancestral pile .

  4. 《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)最后一季第一集最大的惊喜完全与唐顿庄园无关,而是——天哪,那是威克姆(Wickham)!

    The biggest surprise in the opening episode of the final season of " Downton Abbey " wasn 't about " Downton " at all ; it was - ohmygod , there 's Wickham !

  5. 我对威克姆先生的事情没什么好说的。

    Where whickham is concerned , I have nothing to say .

  6. 我就知道威克姆不是故意输掉那场拳击比赛的。

    I just know that Wickham didn 't throw the fight .

  7. 威克姆,你个老流氓,真的是你吗?

    Wickham , you old scoundrel , is that really you ?

  8. 甚至威克姆在最后也做了可敬白勺事,娶了丽迪雅。

    Even Wickham ends up doing the honorable thing and marrying Lydia .

  9. 她和一个名叫威克姆的男子私奔而使家族蒙受羞辱。

    She brings disgrace on the family by running away with a man named Wickham .

  10. 威克姆,你需要做的事情很多,他说,可是时间并不多。

    ' There 's a lot of work for you to do , Wickem , 'he said , and not much time to do it . '

  11. 对不起,先生,威克姆十分惊讶地问,不知我理解得对不对,您是说,不要墓,只要个土坟?那可怜的乡绅一定是病得太重,不知自己在说些什么了吧?

    ' Excuse me , sir , 'said Wickem , very surprised . 'Do I understand you right ? No tomb , you say , and just an earth grave ? The poor Squire was too ill to know what he was saying , surely ? '