首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 姜子牙注意到士兵来了,但是并不理他,继续钓鱼。

    Jiang noticed the soldier coming , but did not care about him .

  2. 大约3千多年前,姜子牙居住在渭水北岸,

    Jiang Ziya lived near the Weishui River about 3 000 years ago .

  3. 姜子牙号太公,所以人称姜太公。

    Jiang was given the title of Taigong so people called him Jiang Taigong .

  4. 这是一个可靠的姜子牙。

    This is a reliable bloomer .

  5. 姜子牙的钓钩是直的,而且没有鱼饵,并且置于水面上三尺处。

    He hung a straight hook , with on bait , three feet above the water .

  6. 士兵将情况报告给文王,文王对姜子牙的兴趣更大了。

    The soldier reported this back to King Wen , who became more interested in Jiang .

  7. 姜子牙看到了文王的真诚,于是决定辅佐文王。

    Jiang saw the king 's earnest desire , so Jiang decided to work for him .

  8. 答:一歌名,是一说是姜子牙为中慈济并作出。

    Answer : a song title , is a late-bloomer for Chung Tzu-chi and to make .

  9. 姜子牙是中国古典通俗文学作品《封神演义》里的一个重要人物。

    Jiang Ziya is a prominent character in the popular Chinese classical novel Creation of the Gods .

  10. 姜子牙知道周文王是个很有抱负的国君,所以希望能得到周文王的注意。

    Jiang Ziya knew King Wen was very ambitious , so he hoped to get his attention .

  11. 最后,姜子牙辅佐文王,实现了自己建功立业的愿望。十分感谢。

    Finally , the late-bloomer his assistant , King Wen , make contributions to achieve their own aspirations .

  12. 姜子牙协助文王及其子推翻商朝,建立周朝。

    Jiang helped King Wen and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty .

  13. 姜子牙常去渭水钓鱼,但是钓鱼的方法异于常人。

    He often went angling at the Weishui River , but he would fish in a bizarre way .

  14. 姜子牙说道,似乎你命中注定就该贫穷,所以我封你为穷神。

    It seems you are destined to be poor . So let me appoint you as the Goddess of Poverty .

  15. 姜子牙有关军事战略的论文《六韬》被尊为《武经七书》(中国古代七大军事著作的汇编)之一。

    His treatise on military strategy , Six Secret Teachings , is considered one of the Seven Military Classics of Ancient China .

  16. 宝鸡县作为姜子牙的发迹与其后裔封国地,在历史与现实中享有重要地位。

    Baoji County , where Jiang Ziya gained its prominent position and his descendants got their land , enjoys a very important status .

  17. 你通常是一个慢热型的人(姜子牙,或是大器晚成),在你真正知道和追逐内心的渴望之前,你需要先经验人生。

    You are often a late-bloomer and need to experience life before you can truly know and commit to your heart 's desire .

  18. 不久,姜子牙怪异的钓鱼方式就传到了文王耳中。文王派士兵前去将其带回。

    In a little while his outlandish way of fishing was reported to King Wen , who sent a soldier to bring him back .

  19. 姜子牙的钓法奇特,短竿长线,线系直钩,不用诱饵之食,钓杆也不垂到水里,离水面有三尺高,

    but he would fish in an unusual way . He hung a straight fishhook , without bait , three feet above the water .

  20. 刘备忙讲了当年文王访姜子牙的故事。

    Liu Bei lost no time in telling his brothers the story of King Wen bent on visiting one of his subjects called Jiang Ziya .

  21. 姜子牙,又名姜太公或姜尚,是中国一个神话式的人物。大约3000年前,姜子牙居住在渭水河畔。

    Also known as Jiang Taigong or Jiang Shang , a Chinese semi-mythological figure , resided next to the Weishui River about 3000 years ago .

  22. 这次文王意识到姜子牙应该是位奇人,于是亲自带了重礼前去相邀。

    Then King Wen realized Jiang might be a great genius , so he went to invite Jiang personally , and brought many magnificent gifts with him .

  23. 姜子牙不停地自言自语道:“不想活的鱼呀,你们愿意的话,就自己上钩吧!”

    He over and over said to himself , " Fish , if you are desperate to live , come and gulp down the hook by yourself . "

  24. 姜子牙自言自语地说:“钓啊,钓啊,鱼儿不上钩,虾儿来胡闹!”

    Jiang just continued with his fishing , and was soliloquising , " Fishing , fishing . No fish has been hooked-but shrimp is up to tomfoolery . "

  25. 随着动画片《姜子牙》和乌尔善导演的《封神三部曲》也将陆续出来,“封神系列”最有可能成就中国的超级英雄宇宙。

    With the animated film Legend of Deification and director Wuershan 's Fengshen Trilogy , the Fengshen stories - both adapted from Fengshen or The Investiture of the Gods - will be the most likely Chinese counterpart to the US superhero cinematic universe .

  26. 姜子牙答道:有好运的地方你都禁止踏入。居民们听到姜子牙的指示,就在纸上写下福字贴在家里的窗户上以赶走穷神。

    Jiang replied , You are off limits wherever there is good fortune When the residents got word of Jiang 's instruction , they wrote the character fu on paper and pasted it on the doors and windows of their houses to keep the Goddess of Poverty away .

  27. 这次文王派了一名官员前来邀请姜子牙,但是姜子牙仍然不理,只是继续钓鱼,并且仍自言自语道:“钓啊,钓啊,大鱼不上钩,小鱼别胡闹!”

    King Wen sent a bureaucrat to invite Jiang this time . But Jiang again paid no attention to the invitation . He simply carried on fishing , saying , " Fishing , fishing . The big fish has not been hooked-but a small one is up to myself . "