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yāo shù
  • sorcery;witchcraft;black art;necromancy
妖术 [yāo shù]
  • [black art;sorcery;witchcraft] 怪异邪恶的法术

妖术[yāo shù]
  1. 妖术恐慌中的民教冲突&关于光绪二年(1876)皖南教案和苏南闹教

    Conflicts of Religious and Non-religious People in the " Witchcraft " Terror in 1876

  2. 国王被诬陷施行妖术。

    The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts .

  3. 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。

    The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl .

  4. 施妖术用魔力或超自然力召唤魔鬼。

    To summon a devil by magic or supernatural power .

  5. 迷惑用或似用妖术控制;迷惑。

    To possess with or as if with a devil ; bewitch .

  6. 人们议论她用了妖术。

    People say of her that she uses black magic .

  7. 他真的是只无孔不入的蜘蛛,说不定还是个懂得妖术的魔法师,她不禁狂乱地暗想。

    He was a spider , she thought wildly , an enchanter or worse .

  8. 刺激性货币政策并非妖术。

    Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic .

  9. 在希腊故事中,赛丝用她的妖术把人变成猪。

    In the Greed story , Circe turned men into pigs by her enchantment .

  10. 法力燃烧现在会导致恐惧、妖术和心灵尖啸提前解除。

    Mana Burn now causes Fear , Hex and Psychic Scream to break early when used .

  11. 漩涡武器现在作用于妖术。

    Maelstrom Weapon now affects Hex .

  12. 妖术我早知道

    Sorcery . I knew there was

  13. 这位就是美女,她有勇气把你的儿子从可怕的妖术中解救出来。

    This is Beauty , who has the courage to rescue your son from the terrible enchantment .

  14. 据信妖术师能制造使他们法力翻倍的魔力旋涡。

    It is believed the Warlocks are able to create a Mana Vortex capable of doubling their mana capacity .

  15. 海伦公主求助于海巫婆,海巫婆给她吃下用妖术炼制的毒汁。

    So she asked the witch in the sea for help , and had the poison given by the witch .

  16. 神圣愤怒和奉献不再对受控制目标作用,比如妖术。

    Holy Wrath and Consecration spells will no longer deal damage to targets affected by a crowd control effect , e.g.Hex .

  17. 这样我一落到魔鬼的魔爪里,就被他抓住了,好象被他的妖术紧紧地迷住了一样。

    Thus I , that was once in the devil 's clutches , was held fast there as with a charm .

  18. 萨满得到了“妖术”,和变形术相当,冷却时间中等,让萨满能将一个敌人变为青蛙。

    Shamans are getting " Hex ", a polymorph-like spell on a medium cooldown allowing them to turn an enemy into a frog .

  19. 它是自动持续到目标受到伤害,就像忏悔和妖术一样,还是像魅魔的诱惑一样需要引导?

    Does it last until the target takes damage , like Repentance or Hex , or is it channeled like the succubus minion 's Seduction ?

  20. 她施行一种妖术,使那尼亚一年到头都是冬天,始终过不上圣诞节。

    And she has made a magic so that it is always winter in Narnia - always winter , but it never gets to Christmas .

  21. 提前打断恐惧、心灵尖啸、妖术、破胆怒吼和超度邪恶所需的伤害量被显著降低。

    The damage threshold for Fear , Psychic Scream , Hex , Intimidating Shout , and Turn Evil to break early has been significantly reduced .

  22. 后来,当斯宾塞在一位雷声公司主管的厨房里安装了微波炉样机时,厨师宣布此微波炉具有妖术,并递交了她的辞呈。

    When Spencer later installed a prototype microwave in the kitchen of a Raytheon director , the cook declared it was black magic and handed in her notice .

  23. 无声消退:这个天赋现在作用于圣光涌动,能量灌注,灵感,精神牵引,昏厥,漂浮术,束缚亡灵,虚弱之触,虚弱妖术和希望印记。

    Silent resolve : this talent is now affects Surge o * ht , power infusion , inspiration , spirit tap , blackout , levitate , shackle undead , touch of weakness , Hex of weakness , and symbol of hope .