
  1. 干柴好烧。

    Wood burns better [ more easily ] when dry .

  2. 老柴好烧,老马好骑。

    Old wood is best to burn , old horse to ride .

  3. 老柴好烧,老书宜读。

    Old wood is best to burn , old book to read .

  4. 在确定釉的配方后,关键是烧成工艺,控制好烧成温度和降温速率极为重要。

    After the determination of formula , the key technics is sinter temperature and cooling rate .

  5. 好烧深受关西地区的人民所欢迎,更成为现时关西人其中一样不可缺少的特色美食。

    Easy to burn and win the people from Northwest area deeply to welcome , become equally indispensable characteristic table delicacies among the current people in Northwest even more .

  6. 御好烧是来自广岛的一种好吃的薄饼(也可称为“日本比萨”),它是由面糊、蔬菜、海藻、肉、类似伍斯特沙司的甜酱和日本蛋黄酱做成的。

    Okonomiyaki , a savory pancake ( or Japanese pizza ) from Hiroshima , is made with batter , vegetables , seaweed , meat , a sweet sauce resembling Worcestershire9 , and Japanese mayonnaise .

  7. “关西风”御好烧预先将原料和面糊混合,而“广岛风”御好烧则是将面糊摊成薄饼后再将卷心菜、肉、炒面和鸡蛋等原料层层叠加制成。

    The former mixes the fillings with the batter , while the latter spreads the batter in a crepe-like fashion and then layers it with cabbage , meat , fried noodles , egg or other fillings .

  8. SEM观测显示,复合电极浆料制成的电极有很好的烧成表面。

    The SEM micrograph shows that the electrode using composite paste prepared has good fired surface .

  9. 把这些架上的陶罐全都烧好要烧好几?xFFFD;

    It will take several firings to clear the shelves of all these pots .

  10. 适合二次烧成地砖,高光泽、平整度好,烧成范围宽。

    HIghgloss good flatness and wide range of firing tempe rature suitable for double-firing floor tiles .

  11. 如果不是感冒,那么就同时要用其他的药,病好了烧才退。

    If not cold , then at the same time to use other drugs , disease well before firing back .

  12. 以氧化铝空心球为骨料,基质中加入适量的SiO2及硅线石,生产出了热震稳定性好、重烧线变化率小的氧化铝空心球砖。

    Using alumina bubble as aggregate and adding an amount of silica and sillimanite in the matrix , an alumina bubble brick with good thermal shock resistance and low reheating linear change has been developed .

  13. 看啊,我带了些好东西来烧。

    Check it out . I brought some really cool stuff to burn .

  14. 采用的油、水煤浆两用燃烧器适应性能好,在烧油和烧煤浆时都能稳定着火,炉膛火焰充满度好,且配风调节方便,能适应不同负荷运行要求。

    The dual-purpose burner for oil and coal water slurry had perfect performances : it can meet the operating requirement of various loads ;

  15. 该方法能很好地脱除烧渣中的硫并富集其中的铁,解决了多年来一直困扰着人们的硫酸渣脱硫难的问题。

    This treating method can remove the sulfur and incerase the percent of iron and resolve the trouble that pyrite cinder is difficult to desulfurate .

  16. 烧起来好,还是不烧起来好?

    Which is better , to let the fire blaze , or not to let it ?

  17. 8,浇驴肉:这道菜也是和驴过不去,活驴固定好,旁边有烧沸的老汤。

    Water Donkey Meat : The dish is also a donkey and make life difficult for the live donkey fixed , there is next to the boiling of the Lao Tang .

  18. 与此同时,颗粒变得较易破碎,减少了细磨时间,有利于提高生产效率。(2)为了得到高密度烧结镁砂,应控制好氢氧化镁的轻烧温度。

    At the same time , the particles became more easily broken . So they reduced the grinding time and improved the production efficiency . ( 2 ) In order to get high-density sintering magnesia , the light calcination temperature in the process of magnesium hydroxide should be controlled .