
  • 网络Female literature;Chick lit
  1. 在我看来只是普通女性文学作品。

    Seems like generic chick lit to me .

  2. 中国女性文学的三次历史性演进

    The Historical Evolution of Chinese Female Literature in Three Different Times

  3. 论女性文学中母亲神话的颠覆与解构

    On the Subversion and Deconstruction of Maternal Mythology in Feminist Literature

  4. 她被认为是黑人女性文学之母。

    She is regarded as the mother of black feminist literature .

  5. 女性文学女儿化审美心态的对抗与突围

    The Antagonism and Breakthrough of Feminized Aesthetic Mentality in Feminine Literature

  6. 中英两国女性文学比较初探

    Preliminary Inquiry of The Feminist Literature Comparison Between Britain and China

  7. 简析日本平安时代女性文学及其成因

    Japanese women literature in Heian dynasty : its contents and resources

  8. 五是女性文学的学科建设。

    And fifth , the construction of the discipline of female literature .

  9. 论女性文学视野中的萧红与林白的创作

    Linking Xiao Hong and Lin Bai from a Female Angle of View

  10. 中国女性文学的崛起、发展及其现代性特征

    The Rudiment 、 Development and Modernity Of Chinese Woman Literature

  11. 浅议女子大学建设女性文学课程

    On the Construction of Female Literature Course in Woman University

  12. 中英女性文学的差异与趋同

    Differences and similarities between women 's literature in China and Great Britain

  13. 艰难的起步可贵的拓展&台湾女性文学研究概观

    HARD STARTINGS , VALUABLE DEVELOPMENT & Research synopsis of taiwan women literature

  14. 斩不断的情爱情结&女性文学情爱主题特征概述

    A Summary of Basic Features of the Love Motif in Female Literature

  15. 女性文学悲剧的超越&乔治·桑文学创作新论

    Tragic Transcendence of Female Literature & On literary works of George Sand

  16. 第三,加拿大女性文学创作角度。

    Third , the perspective of Canadian feminist literature .

  17. 百年中国女性文学批评论纲

    Chinese Feminist Literature Criticism Outline over the 20th Century

  18. 论建安时期女性文学兴盛的原因

    On the Reasons for Prosperity of Female Literature in the Period of Jian'an

  19. 明清之际,女性文学以其独特的面貌呈现。

    In Ming and Qing Dynasties , female literature presented a unique feature .

  20. 晚明吴江叶氏女性文学研究

    Study on Women Literature of Ye Family in Late Ming Dynasty Wujiang City

  21. 女性文学,提供了新的文学经验;

    The female literature offered a fresh literary experience .

  22. 《简·爱》:维多利亚时代女性文学的范本

    Jane Eyre : A Model Novel of Female Literature in the Victorian Times

  23. 林白的女性文学诗学

    Feminine literature poetics of LIN Bai THE WHITE DUCK

  24. 20世纪90年代女性文学的文化姿态

    The Cultural Identity of Women Literature in the 1990s

  25. 中国女性文学创作有悠久的历史与丰硕的成果。

    With age-old history , Chinese female literature has plentiful and substantial achievements .

  26. 中国古代女性文学创作素描

    Female Literary Creation and Sketch in Ancient China

  27. 该文旨在弘扬湖湘文化和女性文学、勾勒现代湖南女性文学的发展轨迹、探索其演变和走向。

    This paper wants to propagandize and carry forward Hunan culture and feminism literature .

  28. 女性文学的误读与精读

    The Mis-reading and Intensive Reading of Feminine Literature

  29. 九十年代女性文学对城市女性生存困境的抒写

    Descriptions of Living Predicament about Urban Females in Female Literature of the 90 's

  30. 日本平安时代女性文学繁荣的条件与背景

    Conditions and Background of Prosperous Feminine Literature in the Hei An Age of Japan