
  • 网络Otis;Elisha Otis;Elisha Graves Otis
  1. 相反,建筑业务,包括奥的斯电梯和开利(Carrier)HVAC产品(译注:供暖、通风与空调),在2013年的利润率则为15.7%。

    By contrast , buildings systems consisting of Otis , as well as Carrier HVAC products boasted margins of 15.7 % for 2013 .

  2. 此外,他的计划还要依靠奥的斯电梯(Otis)在中国销量的大幅增长。

    His plan also counts on big growth in China to drive sales of its Otis elevators .

  3. 本文将以奥的斯电梯公司新型住宅电梯GFT的开发过程为例,描述产品开发过程及其质量控制方法,验证相关控制方法的有效性。

    Taking the new type of home-use elevator GFT as an example , the thesis describes and validates the product development & quality control process of OTIS Elevator Company .

  4. 以奥的斯电梯(中国)有限公司(简称OTIS电梯公司)作为研究案例,介绍了OTIS电梯公司的背景、库存控制现状、库存控制存在的问题和困难。

    By OTIS elevator ( China ) Co. , LTD. ( hereinafter referred to as OTIS elevator company ) as a case study , OTIS elevator company introduces the background , inventory control status , inventory control problems and difficulties .

  5. 奥的斯备件中心存货管理系统分析与控制

    System Analysis and Control for Stock Management of Otis Spare-Parts Center

  6. 广州奥的斯桁架供应商质量控制过程研究

    Quality Control Process Study of Truss Supplier in Guangzhou OTIS

  7. 整合管理体系在奥的斯电梯公司的实施分析

    Application of Integrated Management System : OTIS Elevator China Company Case Study

  8. 嘿,奥的斯,这次你走了多远?

    Hey , how far did you make it this time , Otis ?

  9. 我希望奥的斯公司继续取得成功。

    I wish Otis Company continued success .

  10. 奥的斯提供优良的服务,技术的革新,并提供令人信服的质量保证。

    Otis provides not only excellent service to technology innovation , but also convincing quality assurance .

  11. 然后介绍了奥的斯备件中心信息系统的项目管理计划,突出了项目管理是信息系统成功的保障。

    Then the plan of project management was presented as it 's the guarantee for IS success .

  12. 北京奥的斯电梯有限公司成立于1992年。是奥的斯中国投资有限公司的全资子公司。

    Beijing OTIS Elevator Company was established in1992 and it is the wholly-owned company of Otis China Investment Co.

  13. 奥的斯上海工程中心是全球几大工程中心之一。

    Otis Engineering Center ? Shanghai ( OEC-SH ) is one of several Global Engineering Centers around the world .

  14. 目前,奥的斯服务热线团队共有32人,他们均接受过专业的培训,可处理各种情况。

    OTISLINE in China has a team of32 people professionally trained in how to deal with in every situation .

  15. 在爱与贝蒂和奥的斯巨星一直是,而且将继续是一个工作进展缓慢。

    The love-fest between Betty and Otis has been , and will continue to be , a slow work in progress .

  16. 奥的斯公司的律师代表说该县议会的决定是迈出了很大的一步,但不是最后一步。

    A lawyer representing the company says the county council 's decision is a big step , but not the final step .

  17. 韩相浩之前是韩国奥的斯电梯公司的执行副总裁,该公司是世界领先的电梯制造商在韩国的分公司。

    Han previously was executive vice president at Otis Elevator Korea , the domestic branch of the world 's leading manufacturer of elevators .

  18. 这是一间典型的工厂,现代化的钢结构建筑,配备最新科技成果,奥的斯电梯,贝尔电话,胜家缝纫机

    Places like this , modern steel-frame buildings equipped with all the latest technology , Otis electric elevators , Bell telephones , Singer sewing machines .

  19. 中国奥的斯电梯集团还一直积极参与社会公益活动,主要包括交通工具安全知识教育、奥的斯特奥会志愿者项目、慈善募捐等形式。

    Otis China also actively takes part in social charity activities , including public safety knowledge education , Otis Special Olympics Volunteer Program and charity donations etc.

  20. 工厂的建设将符合“能源环保设计白金标准”的要求,并将应用奥的斯电梯的所有尖端科技。

    It would incorporate all leading Otis technologies across the world and was being built to leadership in Energy and Environment Design ( LEED ) gold standards .

  21. 美国奥的斯电梯公司,美国联合技术公司的子公司,现在所生产的所有电梯都有地震传感器,这样电梯就能判断是否有地震。

    All elevators currently made by the American company Otis Elevator , a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation , have a seismic sensor so that they know if there is an earthquake .

  22. 文章重点分析了奥的斯电梯公司的产品开发流程,通过在产品开发流程中设置关键质量控制点的方式,实现对项目进度和质量的有效控制。

    The thesis analyzes the product development process of OTIS Elevator Company . By setting critical quality audit points into product development process , ensure the effective control of project schedule & quality .

  23. 根据协议,奥的斯电梯公司总投资4千万美元,将雇用360名员工,为了激励员工,他们的平均工资为25美元每小时。

    According to the agreement , with an investment of $ 40 million from Otis Elevator , 360 people would be hired with an average wage of $ 25 an hour to get all the incentives .

  24. 奥的斯位于芝山县的工厂离东京53英里,工厂拥有世界最先进的电梯检测塔。

    Otis 's factory in Shibayama , 53 miles east of Tokyo , which boasts the highest elevator test tower in the world , temporarily suspended operations , but only on the day of the quake .

  25. 你可能认为这是非常简易的一个发明,但是直到奥的斯发明真正安全可用的电梯后,现代城市才得以发展起来,大量人口涌入城市,建造更多摩天大楼,人口密度也大幅提升

    You think it 's a fairly humble invention , but when Otis invented the first really safe elevator , it enabled the growth of the modern city , where people could come in , where people could come in , build much taller buildings , get a much higher density of people .