
shī xiào qī
  • expiration date
  1. 学习如何解释问题,并学习与银行有关的词汇,如信用卡、失效期、手续费等等。

    Banks and ATMs : Knowing how to explain a problem and learning vocabulary to do with banks : credit card , expiration date , commission , etc.

  2. 您的许可类型,失效期,许可有效期,以及数量都是建立在您所购买的许可证基础上的,因此它们与您在这里所看到的有所不同。

    Your license type , expiration date , license term , and quantity are based on the license that you purchased , so they will be somewhat different from what you see here .

  3. 方法:建立药品目录表格,利用Excel粘贴函数功能自动筛选出接近失效期的药品。

    METHODS : Table of drug categories was established ; those categories near expiry date were screened out automatically through the paste function of Excel .

  4. 丈夫:呃!我在找这张证书的失效期。

    Husband : I was just looking for the expiration date .

  5. 药品的失效期应在容器标签上注明。

    The beyond-use date shall be placed on the container label .

  6. 有效期,千万别作出无失效期的承诺,切记有效期是能够被更改的。

    Validity period , never make open-ended commitments remember that the validity date can be changed .

  7. 制剂的有效期指从生产至失效期的期限。

    The shelf life of the dosage form is the time lapse from initial preparation to the specified expiration date .

  8. 有有效期的中间体或原料药,应当在标签和分析报告单上提供失效期。

    For intermediates or APIs with an expiry date , the expiry date should be provided on the label and certificate of analysis .

  9. 卷租期机制则充分考虑了数据对象和网络资源的不同变化,分别为它们指定了不同的失效期,卷租期机制可以更准确地维护对象的一致性。

    Volume lease mechanism is fully taken into account the different changes of the data objects and network resources , and specifies different expiry dates respectively . Volume lease mechanism maintains the consistency of object more accurately . Finally , prefetching threshold algorithm is improved .

  10. 针对设备偶尔失效期阶段,采用了模糊数学的方法,通过对设备工作环境的评价,来考量设备的工作状态,并采取维护维修相应策略。

    Firstly , it sorted out the equipment maintenance mode of highway management . Secondly , in the occasional equipment failure period , has proposed Fuzzy Mathematics strategy . Through evaluation of working environment of equipment , consider the status of equipment and take the corresponding maintenance strategy .

  11. 分析了管网失效的早期失效期、偶然故障期和耗损失效期的特点,探讨了偶然故障期管网系统的可靠性评价方法。

    The characteristics of earlier failure period , random failure period and loss failure period of gas network are analyzed , and the method of reliability assessment is investigated for gas network in random failure period .

  12. 主要有裂纹、凹陷和镦粗、表面蚀坑、崩落等。整个失效经历了早期形变硬化期、稳定工作期和老化失效期三个阶段。

    There are mainly crack , depression , upset , pit on the surface , breakout , etc. The invalidation experiences three stages , including early distortion stage , steady stage and aging invalidation stage .