
shī xiě zhènɡ
  • agraphia
  1. “电脑失写症(computer-inducedagraphia)”是新出现的一个“病种”,多出现于长期电脑使用者身上,其症状主要表现为用纸笔写字的时候常常会出错。

    Computer-induced agraphia is a newly emerging “ illness ” among people who use computers all the time . Its symptom is the partial loss of the ability to write correct Chinese characters with pen and paper .

  2. 基底神经节区脑损害与汉语失写症关系的研究

    Association of basal ganglia damage with Chinese agraphia

  3. 我们平时所说的“失写症”指的是因脑部损伤导致书写能力完全丧失的一种病症,但“电脑失写症”与此无关,而且,只要拿起纸笔勤加练习一段时间,书写能力自然就会恢复。

    Unlike usual agraphia , a disorder marked by loss of the ability to write , it has nothing to do with brain damage and can often be cured if the “ patient ” is willing to pick up the pen and paper again .

  4. 汉语失写症的神经心理学研究及其意义

    The neuropsychologic study of chinese agraphia and its meaning

  5. 装满音符的盒子脑不同部位损害与失写症

    Space Full of Musical Note The Relationship between Localized Brain Damage and Agraphia

  6. 不同部位脑损害与失写症关系的研究

    A study of the relation between brain damage of different parts and Chinese agraphia

  7. 右利手右大脑半球病变所致的失写症

    Agraphia due to right hemisphere stroke in dextrals

  8. 6例失写症患者均无视空间障碍。

    All 6 patients had no visuospatial impairment .

  9. 目的了解汉语失写症与脑损害部位的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relation between the location of brain damage and Chinese agraphia .

  10. 目的研究基底神经节损害所致汉语失写症的特点。

    Objective To study the clinical features of Chinese agraphia caused by basal ganglia damage .

  11. 脑不同部位损害与失写症抗原定位于组织细胞浆内。

    The Relationship between Localized Brain Damage and Agraphia The antigen was localized in the cytoplasm .

  12. 与失写症相关的或有失写症的。

    Relating to or having agraphia .

  13. 目的扩散张量成像技术探讨失写症脑内神经纤维改变的特征。

    Objective To exhibit the fibers of cheirokinesthetic center , and to demonstrate fiber changes of agraphia with diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tracking technique .

  14. 结论基底神经节损害可导致汉语失写症,其失写语言机制可能有低灌注机制、整合中枢、环路受损、字形在脑内结构的记忆提取受损等。

    Conclusion Basal ganglia damage may result in Chinese agraphia , due to , hypothetically , hypoperfusion , dysfunction of integration center , circuit damage and impaired function in extracting the graphical features of the Chinese characters from memory .

  15. 汉语失写检查法及其在失写症检查中的临床应用

    Chinese agraphia battery and its clinical application in agraphic

  16. 结论该检查法的编制符合失写检查和心理测验标准化的基本要求,为失写症的定量、定性分析提供了一个标准化的检查手段。

    Conclusions The design of CAB fulfils the essential requirements of an agraphia battery and a standard psychological test , and therefore establishes a standard examination method for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of agraphia .