
  • 网络taihu lake plain
  1. 江苏太湖平原地区灌溉水源丰富,排水通畅,但由于年际水量分配不均,干旱仍时有发生。

    The Taihu lake plain region of Jiangsu province abounds with irrigation water resource and unobstructed drainage .

  2. 太湖平原西北部第四纪海侵

    The Quaternary Marine Transgression in the Northwest of Taihu Lake Plain

  3. 太湖平原是有名的鱼米之乡。

    Taihu plain is known as the land of fish and rice .

  4. 江阴位于长江三角洲的太湖平原北端。

    Jiangyin is on the northern part of taihu plain in Yangtze river delta .

  5. 太湖平原第四纪古地理环境演变若干问题的讨论

    Evolution of Quaternary paleogeography environment in Taihu Plain

  6. 中更新世时期,太湖平原为河湖交替的沉积环境。

    In Middle Pleistocene Epoch , Taihu Lake Plain was a fluviolacustrine alternative sedimentary environment .

  7. 江苏太湖平原北翼的第四纪孢粉与环境

    Quaternary pollen analysis and paleo-environmental evolution in the northern part of Taihu plain , Jiangsu

  8. 太湖平原中石器、新石器时代人类文化的发展与环境

    The relation between environment and ancient culture on the Taihu Lake in the Mesolithic and Neolithic

  9. 太湖平原农田区域地表水特征及对氮磷流失的影响

    Surface water characteristics of farmlands area and the impact of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from farmland in Taihu Lake region

  10. 太湖平原圩区分类及圩区洪涝分析&以湖西区为例

    Classification of Polders and analysis of flood - waterlogging in Taihu Lake basin & the case of West Taihu Lake

  11. 地处太湖平原区的该区南部地区农用地的质量优越;

    The qualities of farmlands in the southern of the research region which is located in Taihu Lake plain area are superior .

  12. 浙北环太湖平原不同尺度土壤重金属污染评价与管理信息系统构建

    Assessment and Management Information System Design of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution at Different Scales in Northern Plain of Zhejiang Province Around Taihu Lake

  13. 从太湖平原普遍分布的全新统海侵层,说明太湖曾是浅水海湾;

    Out of Holocene transgression layer are dispersed widespread in the Tai-hu Lake Plain , shows Tai-hu Lake was gulf of shallow water .

  14. 旧石器时代末期,太湖平原气候凉干,为森林、草原环境。

    In the Mesolithic , for the climate was cool and dry , the Taihu plain was covered with forests and grasslands with scarce lakes and swamps .

  15. 太湖平原水田区灌溉回归水分析四川冬水田区杂交稻抛秧栽培技术研究

    Analysis of Irrigation Return Flow in the Rice-Growing District of Taihu Lake Plain Studies on Techniques of Scattered Transplanting Rice Seedlings in the Winter Water Flooded Paddy Fields

  16. 常州市武进区位于江苏省南部,太湖平原西北部,境内平原宽广,地势低平,河网稠密。

    Changzhou Wujin District is located in the south of Jiangsu Province , the northwest of Taihu Plain . The district is wide , flat and low , the river network is dense .

  17. 位于太湖平原水网地区的水乡城市景观,因河湖与道路、建筑物相交织而著称,具有特殊的经济价值、文化价值和生态价值。

    The landscape ecology of the cities and towns in Taihu Lake plain , which is famous for the interweaving of rivers , lakes and buildings , has the special values in economy , culture and ecology .

  18. 锡山市位于太湖平原北部,其耕地质量变化过程反映了长江三角洲腹地经济发展水平较高地区的耕地现状和发展趋势。

    Xishan city , which lies in the north of the Taihu lake plain and the hinterland of the Changjiang River delta , has its cultivated land reflecting the change of its cultivated land quality in the developed areas of the delta .

  19. 根据植被类型、森林植物区系、生态因素以及森林与生态环境的关系,将浙江省森林植被划分为5个分区:1.浙北杭州湾两岸、太湖平原绿化分区;

    According to the types of vegetation , forest flora , ecological factors , relations between forest and environment , the forest vegetation of Zhejiang Province could be derided into 5 districts : 1 . District of the sylvan plain of Hangzhou Bay and Tai Lake ;

  20. ADCP在太湖流域平原河网地区的应用

    Application of ADCP in Plain Reaches of Tai Lake Area

  21. 而后,选取BOD5、COD、NH3&N三项水质指标,对各太湖流域平原河网2000年的年平均水质进行模糊综合评价。

    Thirdly , three water quality indexes , BOD_5 , COD and NH_3 & N , are selected to be the factors , and the average water quality in 2000 of the river network is evaluated .

  22. 太湖东岸平原中全新世气候转型事件与新石器文化中断

    Mid Holocene Climatic Transition and Rapid Interruption in Neolithic Cultures in the Eastern Plain of Taihu Lake

  23. 太湖流域平原地区水质综合评价与水资源价值评价研究

    The Study on Comprehensive Water Quality Assessment and Water Resource Value Assessment in Plain Area of Taihu Basin

  24. 太湖流域平原河网区往复流河道水环境容量研究

    Study on water environment capacity for reversing current channels in plain river network region in Taihu Lake Basin

  25. 本研究为太湖流域平原河网地区水质污染防治提供一定的理论基础。

    This study provided a theoretical basis for water pollution control and management in regions of floodplain river network in Lake Taihu Basin .

  26. 太湖流域属于平原河网区,水系相五连通。

    Taihu basin belongs to plain river network and river systems are connected with each other .

  27. 太湖流域典型平原河网区降雨径流氮磷流失特征分析

    Characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus loss of rainfall runoff in typical plain river-net area of Taihu Lake Basin