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tài shī
  • Grand Tutor;a surname
太师 [tài shī]
  • [Grand Tutor] 官名,西周置,为辅弼国君之臣,历代相因,以太师、太傅、太保为三公,多为大官的加衔,无实际的职权。后又指太子太师,即辅导太子之官

太师[tài shī]
  1. 华太师居然敢得罪我们皇爷。

    Wah dares to offend Our Majesty .

  2. 葛师妹,你太师父带同弟子入住剑湖宫,可见到了甚么?

    Sister Ge , had your grand-shifu seen something , after she and her disciples lived there ?

  3. 太师父也说,玉壁上显现的仙影身法剑法固然奇妙之极,然而太过模糊朦胧,又实在太快,说甚么也看不清。

    And my grand-shifu also said that though the swordplay was very delicate and weird , it was too vague and fast to see clearly .

  4. 唯一不太好的是唐伯虎在成婚后从太师府偷偷溜走不辞而别,显得不太有面子,不过,这也是他当时最好的选择。

    Tang Bohu not only is good as marriage in the House secretly away from saying goodbye , it is unlikely to have a face , but this is his best option at that time .