
  • 网络saturniid;saturniid moth;Giant Silkworms;lonomia obliqua
  1. 这些蚕的吐丝量很大.一种天蚕蛾的幼虫;在造蚕茧时吐出大量结实的蚕丝。

    The silkworms are producing well . larva of a saturniid moth ; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon .

  2. 用细菌噬菌体T7RNA聚合酶高效表达天蚕蛾菌素(cecropinA)基因

    Expression of Cecropin A Genes by Bacteriophage T7 RNA Polymerase

  3. 除桑蚕以外,蓖麻蚕和天蚕都是鳞翅目(Lepidoptera),天蚕蛾科(Saturniidae)中具有较高经济价值的绢丝昆虫。

    Besides silkworm , Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea yamamai are all Lepidoptera , Saturniidae and spun silk insect of higher economic worth .

  4. 这些卵是淡绿色月形天蚕蛾的。

    These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth .