
  1. 泉水与经过完善净化处理的生活饮用水相比,水质并无明显差别,且为天然水质,不含消毒副产物,经简单处理后可以被合理利用。

    Compared to the drinking water with purification , there is no significant difference of the quality between the spring water and the drinking water and it is with natural quality without disinfection byproducts . It can be rationally used with simple process .

  2. 结果表明该检测仪具有精度高,可靠性好,使用方便等特点,可广泛应用于工业锅炉的水质测定、高纯水的水质监督、天然水水质分析等场合。

    Application results show that the measuring instrument has good performances and high reliability . It can be used widely in the fields such as water-quality determination for industrial boiler , water-quality monitor for high-purity water , water-quality analysis for natural water , etc.

  3. 大同市饮料厂天然矿泉水水质评价

    Quality Assessment of Potable Natural Mineral Water of Datong Beverage Plant

  4. 56眼饮用天然矿泉水水质分析

    Water Quality Analysis of 56 Mouths of Natural Potable Mineral Spring

  5. 沁县七星泉天然矿泉水水质特征

    Quality Characteristics of Potable Natural Mineral Water of Qixing Spring in Qinxian

  6. 太原市森林公园Tc-S2自流井饮用天然矿泉水水质特征

    Characteristics of Potable Natural Mineral Water from Artesian Well Tc-S_2 in Taiyuan Forest Park

  7. 本文提出了一套饮用天然矿泉水水质评价方法。

    This paper presents a set of assessment methods of potable natural mineral water quality .

  8. 我国水资源天然不足,水质问题更为严重。

    The water resource of our country is insufficiency , and the problem of the water quality is also becoming more and more serious .

  9. 本文对我国饮用天然矿泉水水质进行了综合评价,重点评价其化学特征。

    This paper makes a synthetic assessment of the potable natural mineral water quality in our country , the chief point is the assessment stressed on the chemical characteristics .

  10. 长白山矿泉水源于长白山原始森林腹地,储量十分丰富,长期天然矿化,水质优异,类型齐全,符合目前国内外矿泉水的流行品质,具有巨大的开发价值。

    Changbai Mountain mineral water root from the hinterland of Changbai Mountain virgin forests , the water is abundant , long-term natural mineralization , excellent water quality , consistent with the prevalence quality of mineral water at home and abroad , it has great development value .

  11. 长白山天然饮用矿泉水水质特征分析

    Studies on Characters of Drinking Natural Mineral Water in Mount ChangBai Area

  12. 天然河床渗滤水水质特征及净化机理研究

    Research of the characteristics and purification mechanism of seepage water