
  • 网络heaven and earth;heaven & earth;Heaven&Earth
  1. 看见的只是天与地的相接,现实与虚幻的轮回。

    See only the heaven and earth phase , the reality of reincarnation and the illusory .

  2. 天与地的对话&画家孙开桐

    Dialog Between Heaven and Earth

  3. 你会感到天与地间真正的自由。

    You feel a true freedom that exists between earth and sky .

  4. 别踌躇了,万物莫能不朽,唯有天与地。

    Don 't hang on , nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky .

  5. 我是说,我也拍过步调平缓的片子,像《天与地》的步调就很平缓。

    I mean , I have done quiet films , like Heaven and Earth is relatively quiet .

  6. 我们在这里向(美国)国家科学基金会致谢,我们是《天与地》节目的主持布洛克和伯德。

    With thanks to the National Science Foundation , we 're Block and Byrd for Earth and Sky .

  7. 很多人认为彩虹是福运的象征,因为它连接天与地。

    Many think that the rainbow is a symbol of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth .

  8. 撒但本来希望∶由于上帝对罪恶的憎恶,天与地将永远分离。

    Satan had hoped that God 's abhorrence of evil would bring an eternal separation between heaven and earth .

  9. “天与地终将会消失”意味着它们将不会继续以分离的状态而存在。

    " Heaven and earth shall pass away " simply means that they will not continue to exist as separate states .

  10. 它以天与地、神与人的划分为起点,证明了人的个体意识的产生;

    Dividing points of the heaven and the earth , the deities and mortals , give the proof of the forming of individual consciousness .

  11. 堕落人还没有找到永生生命的价值,那是一个世界、天与地都能见证的价值。

    Fallen humankind has not yet found the value of eternal life to which the world , the earth and heaven , can attest .

  12. 它以阴气、阳气形成天与地,且阴阳又重新形成金、木、水、火、土五行的阴阳五行学说为基础。

    The yin and yang shape the heaven and earth and then evolve into the five elements : metal , wood , water , fire and earth .

  13. 其他神被记入创世的举动中,最初是支撑的举动,天与地分离&据说是众神做了这一切,包括因陀罗、伐楼拿和毗瑟奴。

    Other gods are credited with acts of creation , primarily the act of propping apart the sky and the earth-gods who are said to have done this include indra , Varuna and vishnu .

  14. 茫茫的戈壁映入眼帘,与天相接与地同广。

    In the vast expanses of the Gobi desert , the straight highway never ends .

  15. 1979-1999全球天测与测地VLBI观测资料处理结果与讨论

    Solution and discussion of global astrometric and geodetic VLBI data ( 1979-1999 ) reduction

  16. 利用天测与测地VLBI观测建立天球与地球参考架

    The determinations of celestial and terrestrial reference frames from astrometric and geodetic VLBI observations

  17. 与天奋斗,与地奋斗,与人奋斗。

    With days struggle , and struggle , and people struggle .

  18. 中华民族精神是勤劳勇敢的中国人民在与天斗、与地斗、与人斗的顽强抗争中长期积淀下来的宝贵精神财富和文化遗产。

    The Chinese ethos are industrious and brave spirit of the Chinese nation in the days of struggle , and the real long struggle with the tenacious resistance and valuable spiritual wealth accumulated in the process of cultural heritage .