
  • 网络Teshio
  1. 而在处理后的第35天,盐浓度由0.3%到0.9%,丙二醛含量增加到2.49倍,相对电导率增加到1.44倍,叶绿素总含量降低了40.1%。

    In the thirty-fifth day of treat , the relative electric conductivity and the MDA concentration increased 1.44 and 2.49 times respectively while the chlorophyll concentration decreased 40.1 % respectively .

  2. 以耐斯糖为指标制定的巴戟天、盐炙巴戟天及甘草水炙巴戟天的质量标准稳定可行,可用于评价、控制巴戟天的质量。

    Nice sugar as an indicator for the development of Morinda officinalis , Morinda and licorice salt water Sunburn Sunburn Morinda viable and stable quality standards can be used to evaluate and control the quality of Morinda officinalis .

  3. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,简称“CDC”)建议每日的食盐量不要超过六克(2300毫克钠),也就是一天一茶匙盐。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends consuming no more 6 grams ( 2300 milligrams of sodium ) , or one teaspoon of salt a day .

  4. 腌后第5天检查,用盐量3%、5%、7%处理的可明显测到亚硝酸盐的存在,用盐量9%、11%两组,在整个腌制过程中均未检测到亚硝酸盐。

    Nitrate could be clearly measured in the pickled vegetable treated with salt of 3 , 5 , and 7 percent five days after pickling , but not in those treated with the salt of 9 and 11 percent , even during the whole process .

  5. 结果:1.确定盐炙巴戟天最佳炮制工艺,即100g巴戟天在2%盐溶液100mL闷润5h后蒸制1h,放凉,干燥。

    Sunburn Morinda determine the best salt processing technology , that is , 100 g officinalis 2 % salt solution in 100 mL after the steam moistening 5h 1h , cool and dry .