
tiān yǎn
  • Tianyan;theory of evolution;Change of nature
天演 [tiān yǎn]
  • [Change of nature] 自然界的变化,即进化

  • 定名天演。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

  • 以天演为体。

天演[tiān yǎn]
  1. 许多学者就《天演论》做过大量研究。

    Many scholars have made abundant researches into the translation of Tian Yan Lun .

  2. 同时,很多人都拿严复的翻译标准来检验其译作,《天演论》则因为其对原文的不忠而长期成为众矢之的。

    Meanwhile , the criterion has often been taken to examine his own translations .

  3. 从操控论角度研究严复《天演论》的翻译

    A Study on Yan Fu 's Translation on Evolution from the Perspective of Manipulation Theory

  4. 第一章简要介绍《天演论》。

    The first chapter is a brief introduction to Yan Fu and Tian Yan Lun .

  5. 大同三世和天演进化贵州中三叠世生物礁

    Great Harmony , " Three Worlds " and Evolution THE MIDDLE TRIASSIC REEF IN GUIZHOU PROVINCE

  6. 大同三世和天演进化其时代为早三叠世晚期。

    Great Harmony , " Three Worlds " and Evolution Its age is late Early Triassic .

  7. 从后殖民视角看严复译《天演论》中的抵抗性翻译

    On Resistant Translation from Post-Colonial Perspective-A Case Study of Yan Fu 's Translating Evolution and Ethics

  8. 他翻译的《天演论》影响了几代的中国知识人。

    His most popular translation of the work of T.H. Huxley named " Evolution and Ethics " has made tremendous impact on several generations after him .

  9. 天演哲学的形成,本身又是对传统哲学的突破,成为中国哲学发展史上一个重要的阶段。

    , after the Revolution in 1911 . The formation of philosophy of evolution and ethics itself was a breakthrough in traditional philosophy , and became an important stage in the history of Chinese philosophy .

  10. 从天命、天道、天理到天演的转换进程,改变了道德的自然展现方式,但却一直在论证着道德的自然正确性。

    The transformation advancement from " Tianming ", " Tiandao ", " Tianli " to " Tianyan " changed the exhibition way of the moral nature , but continuously was proving the natural right of moral .

  11. 严复的天演学说具有理论建构和指导现实的双重目标:一方面,严复希望通过汲取西方不同进化论原型中的精华,融合中国传统思想理念,建构出一套适用于中国社会的天演哲学;

    On one hand , Yan Fu hoped to build up the philosophy of " Tianyan ", which could suit and serve Chinese society , with deriving essence of different Western evolutionism origins and melting them into Chinese traditional thoughts .

  12. 第三章主要阐述了《天演论》中的道德原则,以国群为基本原则,阐明人伦群体中的契约精神和德性,以及效群保身德性。

    The third chapter focuses primarily on " Evolution and Ethics " in the moral principles to clarify the contractual spirit and virtue , and " efficiency group " self-defense virtue , in order to " national group " as the basic unit of human relations group .

  13. 严复(1854~1921),字几道,晚年自号老人,别署天演宗哲学家,福州南台人,曾经作为中国第一批留学生留学英国。

    Yan Fu ( 1854 ~ 1921 ) , styled Jidao , self-assumed name Yuye in his late years , alias philosopher of Tianyan sect , was a native of Houguan ( present Fuzhou ) in Fujian Province . He was among the first to study in England .