
  • 网络angel investment;angel invest;Angel Capital
  1. 中国与欧美国家天使投资的发展分析

    An Analysis of Angel Investment in China & Euro-American Countries

  2. 融入公平偏好的天使投资委托代理模型

    Principal-agent Model of Angel Investment Based on Fairness Theory

  3. TrytheWorld已经通过天使投资募集了70万美元,用于营销投资以及拓展食物的范围。

    Try the World has raised $ 700,000 in seed funding from angel investors to expand its offerings and invest in marketing .

  4. Prodigy获得的新融资包括科技风投公司BaldertonCapital的1250万英镑的股权投资、多家天使投资机构以及瑞信(CreditSuisse)提供的8750万英镑贷款资本。这些融资将用于增加雇员和提高放贷能力。

    Prodigy 's new financing , consisting of 12.5m of equity investment from Balderton Capital , a technology venture capital company , and various angel investors plus 87.5m in loan capital from Credit Suisse , will fund staffing increases and boost lending capacity .

  5. 他的另一篇文章《如何成立创业公司》,来源于他在哈佛大学的一次演讲。那次演讲使得他对天使投资进行了严肃的思考,最终导致了YC的成立。

    Another essay ," How to Start a Startup ," based on a talk he gave at Harvard , got him thinking seriously about angel investing and eventually inspired YC 's formation .

  6. 2009年,他的公司与位于宾夕法尼亚州布林茅尔的Movitas移动公司合并,并于2010年吸引了300万美元的天使投资。

    His startup merged with movitas , a Bryn Mawr , Pa. , tech firm , in 2009 , and the company attracted $ 3 million in angel funding in 2010 .

  7. 第二.早期天使投资经常是对人不对事。

    Early stage investing is often about the people , not the idea .

  8. 因为这样我就能四处拜访天使投资�

    I would go around to all these angel investors

  9. 探析中小企业融资新出路&天使投资

    Analysis of A New Way for the SME Financing & " Angel Investment "

  10. 我们与硅谷地区主要的天使投资和风险资本公司有密切的关系。

    We are affiliated with major Angel and Venture Capital Companies in Silicon Valley .

  11. 天使投资参与创业投资之内在逻辑与制度供给研究

    Internal Logic and Institution Supply Research that Angel Investment Takes Part in Venture Capital

  12. 天使投资的回报率更是差得惊人。

    Angel investment returns are even scarier .

  13. 此外联想控股还拥有天使投资、风险投资以及私募股权投资业务。

    The company has angel investment , venture capital and private equity arms as well .

  14. 但是在那个时期天使投资仍然有累计达八十五亿美元的资金。

    Still , angel investments during that period totaled eight and a half billion dollars .

  15. 然而,这些资金中,真正从事天使投资领域的却微乎其微。

    However , these funds , real angel investment fields in the towards reducing it .

  16. 天使投资中更多的资金流入了消费者—互联网公司和应用软件制作商。

    Much of the angels " money has gone to consumer-internet firms and makers of software apps .

  17. 他们不仅吸引了成千上万的老顾客,而且还获得了天使投资1000万的投资。

    In total , they have attracted thousands of frequent customers and over 10 million yuan from angel investors .

  18. 亚洲商业天使投资网络的创办有助于建立一个良好工作环境,为创新和创业提供资金。

    Asian Business Angel Network was founded to help building up a proper environment for financing innovation and entrepreneurship .

  19. 最近该公司完成了一轮280万美元的融资,牵头的是哈萨克斯坦知名天使投资家肯格斯・拉基谢夫(KengesRakishev)。

    The company recently closed a $ 2.8 million funding round led by prominent Kazakhstan-based angel investor Kenges Rakishev .

  20. 亚洲商业天使投资网络是其中一个领先的创业型企业,专门编写资料记录和连接投资者与企业家。

    ABAN is one of the leading entrepreneurial firms that specialize in writing information memorandums and linking investors with entrepreneurs .

  21. 许多发达国家经验表明,天使投资是初创期科技型企业融资的最佳途径。

    Many developed countries experience shows that angel investment is their initial science and technology enterprise financing the best way .

  22. CrystieKisler:“天使投资的概念对我们来说确实是天使,非常不可思议。”

    CRYSTIE KISLER : " This notion of an angel investor seemed just that to us . It seemed miraculous . "

  23. 我的首要任务就是制定一个明确的商业计划,然后争取更多的天使投资。

    My first job was to get a clear business plan in place and then to secure some more angel financing .

  24. 现在正式更名的,它由其私人领导的团队命名,为刚起步的公司提供天使投资。

    Jumpstart Jumpstart And it is named by its private member-led group , makes angel investments in in an early stage .

  25. 天使投资又被称为私人或非正式风险投资,是广义风险投资的一部分。

    Angel investment is also known as private or informal venture investment , and is a part of the generalized venture investment .

  26. 但是总体来说,外资公司倾向进行后期投资,而中资偏重做天使投资。

    However , in general , Chinese VCs are more like business angels while foreign VCs work more in later stage financing .

  27. 作者认为,天使投资作为一种民间投资方式,能更为有效地解决我国现阶段民间资本和中小企业之间资金供求的矛盾,我国有必要对这种投资方式进行推广发展。

    The author consider angel investment can effectively alleviate the conflict of capital supply and demand between informal sources of capital and SMEs .

  28. 李开复4月份时说,国内天使投资潜力巨大,对中国商业生态系统来说非常重要。

    The potential of domestic angel investment is huge and will be vital for China 's business ecosystem , Mr. Li said in April .

  29. 不像这位大臣和为他写稿子的人,我从事天使投资行业,因此我知道这个错误有多愚蠢。

    Unlike the minister or his speechwriter , I am involved in angel investing , so I know what a foolish error this was .

  30. 与之相应自上个世纪90年代中期以来,天使投资也开始在我国悄然兴起,并得到了一定程度上的发展,但是与我国风险投资相比,仍然处于起步阶段,其发展环境令人堪忧。

    Correspondingly , since the mid 1990s , angel investment have begun to quietly rising in China , and developed to a certain degree .