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  1. 他的大财政计划失败了。

    His great financial scheme crashed .

  2. 通过分析国家运用财政投资、税收政策和财政转移支付三大财政政策工具支持少数民族地区发展的现状,指出现阶段国家财政政策实施过程中存在的主要问题。

    The third part research the present condition of fiscal policy to sustain the development in the national minority region and existent key problem .

  3. 计划经济体制下是一种大财政、小银行的格局,中小企业融资以财政拨款为主;

    In planned economy , it is a " big finance , small banks " pattern , in which financing comes mainly from finance appropriate funds ;

  4. 实现统一的大财政,通过财政转移,重新配置资源,以帮助成员国吸收不对称冲击的影响,是提高欧元体系财政与货币政策协调性措施之一。

    It is one of the measures to improve harmonious of monetary policy and fiscal policy that realize a centralized " big finance ", redistribute resource through finance transferring in order to help members of the Union reducing the effect of asymmetric impact .

  5. 二是创新审计观念,树立大财政审计观,强化财政审计宏观服务意识、大局意识、时效性意识和复合型人才意识;

    Second , the audit ideas should be innovated by establishing a great financial audit concept , and by strengthening the consciousness of the macro-service of financial audit , the consciousness of overall situation , the consciousness of timeliness and the consciousness of the complex talents .

  6. 两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字拉大以及财政岌岌可危之苦。

    Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment , large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors .

  7. 加强imf对汇率问题的监管尤其是如果捆绑wto批准的处罚的话应与干预力度更大的财政政策监管同时进行。

    Stronger IMF surveillance over currencies especially if tied to wto-sanctioned penalties should work alongside more intrusive surveillance of fiscal policy .

  8. 随着财政收入占GDP的比重越来越大,财政体制改革的任务迫在眉睫。

    With the financial revenue in the GDP has been increasing over time , the task of financial reform is extremely urgent .

  9. 报告呼吁政府提供更大的财政支持,加强对老年人的财务教育,减轻养老金领取者的贫困状况,包括彻底改革社保基金(SocialFund)。社保基金向弱势群体提供一次性付款、捐赠和贷款。

    It called on the government to provide greater financial support to improve financial education for older people and reduce pensioner poverty , including an overhaul of the Social Fund , which provides lump sum payments , grants and loans to the disadvantaged .

  10. 例如,向偏远地区的ICT基础设施投资最初几乎肯定没有利润,但是在更长的时期可以带来更大的财政回报。

    For example , investing in ICT infrastructure in remote regions will almost certainly generate little profit at first , but can bring greater financial returns in the longer term .

  11. 德国方面提出上述想法之际,正值希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)飞抵巴黎,寻求法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)对希腊政府大幅度财政紧缩计划的支持。

    The German thinking emerged as George Papandreou , the Greek prime minister , flew to Paris to seek the support of Nicolas Sarkozy , French president , for his government 's drastic austerity programme .

  12. 这种更大的财政赤字是否会导致价格上涨,取决于货币环境。

    Whether this larger fiscal deficit leads to an increase in prices depends on monetary conditions .

  13. 但是市场上的密码锁大部分都是用于一些大公司财政机构。

    But in the market alarm apparatus majority of use in some big company fiscal institution .

  14. 但他表示,这些欧元区国家首先必须通过制定更大的财政改革来建立信任。

    But first , he said , euro-area countries must establish trust by enacting big financial reforms .

  15. 资金阻力主要表现在全国人均财政收入较低、地区财政收入和支出差距大、财政支出结构失调等方面。

    Resistance of funds mainly includes lower per capita revenue in the country , local revenue and expenditure disparities , fiscal expenditure structure misalignment .

  16. 可是经过金融风暴,经济衰退,物价通缩,财政收入减少,导致连续颇大的财政赤字,将香港税基狭窄的缺憾完全表现出来。

    However , persistent budget deficits , commodity deflation and economic recession after Asia Financial Crisis disclosed its narrow tax base system is vulnerable to economic changes .

  17. 增加的预算来自于政府更大的财政支持--因为中国在2016年承诺加快建设世界级大学和一流专业。

    The budget increase could be attributed to greater financial support from the government , as China vowed in 2016 to speed up the construction of world-class universities and first-class majors .

  18. 目前在非税收入收缴管理工作中仍存在有群众缴款不便、财政票据缴验工作量大、财政部门监管未完全到位等问题。

    At present in the work of non-taxable income there are people still exist in the financial bill payment inconvenience , big workload for examination , financial department regulatory problems such as incomplete in place .

  19. 上述评论是在周末一次采访中发表的,再次体现了德国对各国央行争相实施超宽松货币政策和各国政府出台规模越来越大的财政刺激措施的担忧。

    The comments , in a weekend interview , are the latest sign of concern from Germany at the extra-loose monetary policies conducted by central banks around the world and the ever-larger fiscal stimuli being unveiled by governments .

  20. 但县乡财政困难问题并没有从根本上得到扭转,基层财政减收增支因素较多,加剧了部分经济欠发达县和农业大县财政困难。

    However , the financial difficulties of counties and townships have not been fundamentally reversed . Many factors have resulted in the revenue reduction and expenditure increase in grass-roots finance , which exacerbates the financial difficulties in large underdeveloped countries and large agricultural counties .

  21. 这些年我们在发展经济的同时,更加重视保障改善民生和发展社会事业,政府工作力度之大、财政投入资金之多前所未有。

    In developing the economy in the years since then , we have placed greater importance on ensuring and improving people 's wellbeing and developing social programs , and the government has made greater efforts and provided more funding in this area than ever before .

  22. 中储粮的两个确保和三个维护,一方面确保了国家的粮食安全,另一方面却因目标过多而产生储备规模过大、财政负担过重的问题。

    The " two guarantees " and " three maintenances " of China Grain Reserves Corporation ensure national food security on the one hand , but on the other hand it leads the excessive reserve capacity and heavy financial burden because of too much targets .

  23. 我们要加强对产粮大县的财政扶持。

    We will increase fiscal support for major grain-producing counties .

  24. 继续实施西部大开发的财政制度安排

    The Fiscal Institutional Arrangements to Further Development in Western Region

  25. 西部大开发的财政与税收政策研究综述

    Summary on Research of Financial and Tax Policy in the Process of Western Development

  26. 西部大开发中财政性投资研究

    On Financial Investment in Western Development

  27. 西部大开发与财政税收手段

    Western development and financial tax means

  28. 一种经济理论,认为政府对大企业的财政补贴最终使小企业和大众受益。

    A theory that government financial incentives to big business will eventually benefit smaller businesses and general public .

  29. 一种挪用资金的体例,每次大系统的财政账号上移走数目极小的资金。

    An embezzling method that involves removing extremely small increments of money from financial accounts on a system .

  30. 衡量该政策实施效果的一项决定指标就是消费者最终可以获得多大比例的财政补贴。

    The decisive index to measure the effectiveness of policy implementation is what percentage of financial subsidies the consumers will ultimately get .