
  • 网络Soybean saponin;Soyasaponin;soyasaponins
  1. 大豆皂甙和人参茎叶皂甙对糖尿病大鼠血SOD和LPO的影响

    Effect of Soyasaponin and ginsenoside ( stemleave saponin ) on SOD and LPO in diabetic rats

  2. 腹腔注射大豆皂甙在脑和外周组织中的分布

    Distribution of soyasaponin in brain and peripheral tissue after peritoneal injection

  3. C高;结论:优选得到的工艺稳定可行,大豆皂甙收率高。

    Conclusion : The selected technology showed higher yield of soyasaponins , good stability and high efficient .

  4. 大豆皂甙对H(22)荷瘤小鼠抗肿瘤研究

    Study on the anti-tumor effect of soyasaponins on h_ ( 22 ) - bearing mice

  5. 大豆皂甙在Ames实验中的抗突变作用研究

    Evaluation of the Anti-Mutagenic Effect of Soya Saponin Using Ames Test

  6. 大豆皂甙对人肝癌细胞QGY-7703的生长抑制作用研究

    Study on the inhibitory effects of soybean saponins on human hepatoma cell

  7. 结果表明,大豆皂甙明显抑制荷瘤鼠肿瘤细胞的生长,促进荷瘤鼠脾和胸腺细胞的增殖反应及脾T淋巴细胞IL-2的分泌,增强LAK和NK肿瘤杀伤细胞的活性。

    The results showed that TS had an apparent inhibition effect on the tumor cell growth in mice with tumor , and could promote proliferous reaction of the spleen and thymus gland cells and increase the IL-2 secretion of T cells and the activities of tumor killer LAK and NK .

  8. 实验证明大豆皂甙的ESI/MS裂解特征与FD-MS和FAB-MS不同,ESI/MS特别适于皂甙等强极性难挥发的糖甙化合物的结构解析。大豆异黄酮、皂甙和低聚糖提取工艺研究

    It revealed ESI / MS was highly sensitive and accurate for structural elucidation of saponins . Study on the Technology for Extraction Soybean Isoflavones and Soyasaponins and Oligosaccharides from Soybean

  9. 豆制品下脚料中大豆皂甙提取工艺的研究

    Study on Extraction Technology of Soyasaponins from Residual of Bean Ware

  10. 大豆皂甙对小鼠移植肿瘤生长的影响

    Influence of total Soyasaponin on transplant tumor growth in mice

  11. 大豆皂甙对环磷酰胺所致小鼠免疫失衡的保护作用

    Protecting effect of soya saponin on immune unbalanced mice induced by cyclophosphamide

  12. 大豆皂甙的酶解及其产物分析

    Enzyme hydrolysis of soybean saponin and its products analysis

  13. 大豆皂甙饮料缓解体力疲劳作用的实验研究

    Study on the Alleviative Effect of Beverage Containing Soy Saponins on Physical Fatigue

  14. 大豆皂甙的研究进展(Ⅱ)&皂甙的提取、精制、生理功能及其应用

    Prospect of Soya-saponins (ⅱ)── Extraction , Purification , Physiological Function and Their Application

  15. 大豆皂甙酶解的研究

    Studies on the enzyme hydrolysis of soybean saponin

  16. 大豆皂甙功能特性及应用前景

    The Physiological Functions and Application of Soybean Saponins

  17. 两种大豆皂甙提取方法的比较

    Comparison between two extraction methods of soybean saponin

  18. 大豆皂甙及甙元抗结肠癌作用的实验研究

    Anti-colon tumor effect of soybean saponins and sapogenols

  19. 酱油制曲过程中大豆皂甙的变化与大豆皂甙酶解的比较

    Comparison between enzyme hydrolysis of soybean saponin and its change in soy sauce koji making

  20. 大豆皂甙抗脂质过氧化作用初探

    The Preliminary Study on Anti-lipid-peroxidation of Soyasaponins

  21. 豆类作物中的大豆皂甙研究概况

    Study survey Soyasaponin in bean crop design

  22. 大豆皂甙的分离与ESI/MS分析

    Isolation and ESI-MS Analysis of Soyasaponins

  23. 大豆皂甙抑瘤效应及对荷瘤鼠免疫功能的影响

    The Tumor-inhibition Effect of Total Soyasaponin and Its Influence on Immune Functions of Mice with Tu-mor

  24. 大豆皂甙最新研究概况

    Survey of recent researches on Soyasaponin

  25. 水解大豆皂甙分子上的部分糖基可以生成低糖链、活性的新皂甙。

    Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean saponin sugar-moiety produces new saponins , containing lower sugar and higher activity .

  26. 主要研究了大豆皂甙的提取方法和皂甙糖基在制曲中的变化。

    The method of soybean saponin extraction and the saponin hydrolysis in the koji making are studied .

  27. 将大豆皂甙水解成大豆皂醇,研究大豆皂醇的体外抗脂质过氧化作用。

    Soyasapogenols were prepared by hydrolysis of soyasaponins and its anti-lipid peroxidative effects were investigated in vitro .

  28. 大豆皂甙广泛存在于豆科植物中,大豆是皂甙的主要膳食来源。

    Soyasaponins ( SS ) are present in legumes and soybean is a primary dietary source of saponins .

  29. 考察了大豆皂甙的有机溶剂提取方法,建立了吸附层析提取大豆皂甙的方法。

    Investigating extraction method with organic reagent , we use adsorb chromatography by resin column to extract soybean saponin .

  30. 主要就大豆皂甙的提取、精制、生理功能及应用进行综述。

    Here we focus on the extration , the purification , the physiological function and the application of soyasaponins .