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dà qìng
  • Daqing;birthday;great occasion;grand celebration;grand celebration of an important event;celebratable event
大庆 [dà qìng]
  • (1) [grand celebration]∶隆重的大规模的庆祝活动

  • (2) [celebratable event]∶大可庆贺之事

  • (3) [birthday]∶老年人的寿辰

  • [Daging] 黑龙江省的地级市,著名的石油化工城市。位于黑龙江省西南部松嫩平原上,原称安达市,1979年改为大庆市。是中国最大的石油产地,也是世界大油田之一,人口约76万。滨州铁路过此

大庆[dà qìng]
  1. 这对夫妇一月份举行了他们的金婚大庆。

    The couple celebrated their golden wedding in January .

  2. 王进喜同志的这句豪言壮语,表达了大庆工人、干部和家属的雄心壮志。

    This heroic utterance by Comrade Wang Jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of Daqing and their families .

  3. 这对夫妇一月份举行了他们的金婚大庆。

    The couple celebrated their golden wedding in january .

  4. 大庆石油通过这条输油管源源不断地流往北京。

    Through this pipeline , crude oil flows from Daqing to Beijing in a steady stream .

  5. 大庆裂解C9馏分合成改性石油树脂

    Study preparation of modified petroleum resin from c_9 fraction of Daqing

  6. 基于GIS的大庆市土地利用生态风险分析

    GIS-based analysis of ecological risk on land-use in Daqing City

  7. GIS技术在大庆油田动态监测系统建立应用中的探讨

    Application of GIS Technology in the Establishment of Daqing Oilfield Dynamically Monitoring System

  8. 大庆油田应用CO2非混相驱油的可行性和技术界限研究

    Study on the feasibility of co_2 immiscible flooding and its technical limitations in Daqing oil field

  9. 大庆ABS装置改造技术方案及综合评价

    Comprehensive Appraisal of Technology Plan of Revamp Project in Daqing ABS Plant

  10. 本文利用ERP理论建立大庆电泵公司物资管理系统。

    The material management System for daqing pump is established by ERP theory in this paper .

  11. 这一模型在大庆油田这样的特大型企业的多专业、多学科的集成中得到应用,实现了各种油田业务与GIS空间对象以及用户的真正集成。

    This integration frame has been applied to Daqing Oil Field , which resolves applications integration among multi-discipline and multi-business .

  12. 上世纪60年代中期,大庆油田和胜利油田相继开展了CO2驱的室内实验和小规模的矿场试验。

    In the middle of 1960s , Daqing and Shengli oilfield developed the laboratory experiment and lease test .

  13. 为提高油田开发效果、提高采油效率,大庆油田N采油厂在所属区块推广应用了摩擦式智能抽油机。

    Friction-type intelligent pumping unit is applied to all blocks of N oil production plant in Daqing oilfield for enhancing developing effect and oil recovery efficiency .

  14. 大庆石油学院体育馆屋面风荷载的风洞试验及CFD数值模拟

    Wind Tunnel Test and CFD Numerical Simulation of Wind-induced Loads on Gymnasium Roof of Daqing Petroleum Institute

  15. PSA技术在大庆甲醇生产中的应用

    Application of PSA in a Methanol Plant

  16. 大庆27kt/aSAN装置DMF精制系统改造

    Improvement of DMF refining system in daqing 27kt / a SAN unit

  17. 基于GMS支持下的大庆地下水库区水文地质结构可视化模型

    Hydrogeological Structure Visualization Model in Daqing Groundwater Reservoir Based on GMS

  18. HSE管理体系在大庆油田联合泵站的应用

    The Application of HSE Management System in Daqing Oilfield

  19. 大庆师范学院校园网VLAN设计

    Design of Campus Net VLAN in Daqing Normal School

  20. 蒸汽裂解试验显示尾油馏分是很好的蒸汽裂解制乙烯原料,其乙烯收率较大庆AGO高2~3个百分点。

    The unconverted oil was a good feedstock for steam cracking and its ethylene yield was 2 % - 3 % higher than that of Daqing AGO feedstock .

  21. 实验研究了大庆油田所用ASP三元复合驱替液的驱油效率与碱浓度之间的关系。

    The oil displacement efficiency of the ASP combinational flooding solution of varying alkaline concentration used at Daqing is studied experimentally .

  22. 本论文以大庆采油一厂为研究对象,详细讨论了系统开发中所使用的技术:GPRS、面向对象技术、数据库技术;

    The paper discussed technology used in developing system : GPRS , object-oriented programming technology , database technology and so on .

  23. AVHRR资料在大庆地区受灾耕地与春季可播种耕地分析中的应用

    Analysis of Flooding Field and Cultivable Field in Spring by AVHRR Data

  24. 介绍了FS法精制技术在大庆分石化公司炼油厂的工业应用。

    The industrial application of FS purification technology in the Refinery of Daqing Petrochemical Company is introduced .

  25. 本研究以盐碱土地区大庆市肇州县为试验基点,对苏打盐碱地桑树/大豆间作土壤pH、含盐量及土壤酶活性进行检测,以此对土壤质量进行初步评估。

    The research was carried out at Zhaozhou country , Daqing City . The pH , salt content and soil enzyme activity for mulberry-soybean intercropping soil were detected to evaluate soil quality .

  26. NET技术及Oracle9i数据库,设计了大庆油田有限责任公司勘探相关标准网络查询系统。

    NET Framework and Oracle 9i to design the correlation standard information classification search system for Daqing oilfield company limited .

  27. 使用该方法测定大庆减渣和扶余原油中微量钴的含量,它们的RSD分别为1.66%和0.94%,加标回收率分别在96.85%~101.01%和95.31%~101.90%范围内。

    The recovery of added standard is from 96.85 % to 101.01 % and from 95.31 % to 101.90 % , respectively .

  28. 最后,设计实现了基于GPRS的大庆油田电力无线抄表系统及抄表数据的处理方法和结果。

    Finally , the design realized DaQing oil-field electric power wireless meter reading system based on GPRS and the process method and result of meter reading data .

  29. 中压加氢裂化加工大庆VGO的研究

    Research on mid-pressure hydrocracking of Daqing VGO

  30. 加长喷嘴TJ(22)钻头在大庆油田的推广应用

    Application and Dissemination of extra-length spray nozzle TJ_ ( 22 ) Bit in Daqing Oil Field