
  • 网络Grand Bazaar;Grand Bazzar
  1. 新疆乌鲁木齐的大巴扎(GrandBazaar)自开业十年以来一直吸引着各方游客,这个坐落在一个新广场的建筑群重现了中亚古丝绸之路的商业繁华。

    The Grand Bazaar in Urumqi has been a tourist draw for a decade -- since it opened in a new plaza meant to evoke the historic caravan-trade culture of Central Asia .

  2. 据位于大巴扎地下的法资超市家乐福(Carrefour)的一名雇员说,上周三超市的入口处安装了一台包裹扫描设备。

    An outlet of the French hypermarket Carrefour , located underground beneath the bazaar , installed a bag-screening machine at its entrances on Wednesday , according to an employee .

  3. 用蜂蜜腌制100年后,人们便将“蜜渍人”挖出并在当地的大巴扎集市售卖,以换取大量金币(在拉丁语中“mel”代表蜂蜜)。

    Allow the man to marinate for 100 years , then dig him up and sell the " mellified man " ( from the Latin " mel " for honey ) in your local grand bazaar for a substantial stack of coins .

  4. 乌鲁木齐民俗文化旅游开发现状及对策研究&新疆国际大巴扎

    Development of Folk Custom Tourism in Urumqi And Measures & Xinjiang International Bazaar

  5. 大巴扎周边的安保人员随处可见,但比上周五数百名维吾尔族人聚集在大巴扎进行每周祈祷时已经有所减少。

    Security around the bazaar was noticeable , though lighter than on Friday , when hundreds of Uighurs gathered in the plaza for their weekly prayer .

  6. 文章以乌鲁木齐国际大巴扎商业区的环境设施为例,实证性地剖析了城市商业区环境设施在设计实践中存在的问题及原因。

    I have analyzed the problems of the environmental facilities in the commercial centers in the practice of designing and the reasons , taking international Bazaar in Urumqi as the example .

  7. 大巴扎和泰米尔广场:派和他的女朋友Anandi调情的场景设置地,这个足球场大小的集市上摆满了数十种香蕉、大袋的豆子、秋葵、姜、和鲜花。

    Grand Bazaar and Tamil Quarter : The setting for Pi 's flirtations with his girlfriend Anandi , this football pitch-sized market crams in dozens of types of bananas , sacks of beans , okra and ginger , and flowers .

  8. 《国际大巴扎》集旅游观光、民族商贸、餐饮、民族艺术展示、零售五大业态为一体的国际大巴扎规模之大,蔚为壮观。

    International grand bazaar Combining traveling , nation trade , restaurant , ethnic art display and retailing together , the international grand bazaar is so spectacular .