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  • 网络largemouth bass;Micropterus salmoides
  1. 以特定生长率和氮保留率对饲料中精氨酸水平作折线回归分析得出大口黑鲈幼鱼饲料中适宜精氨酸需要量为1.98%–2.20%(占饲料蛋白质的4.31%–4.79%)。

    Based on broken-line analysis for SGR and NR against dietary arginine level , the optimum requirement of largemouth bass for dietary arginine was 1.98 % - 2.20 % of dry diet ( 4.31 % - 4.79 % of dietary protein ) .

  2. 大口黑鲈仔幼鱼的饵料选择和生长的研究

    A study of growth and food selection of largemouth bass fry

  3. 饲料中添加维生素C能显著促进大口黑鲈血清中超氧化物歧化酶活力和溶菌酶活力(P<0·05);

    The superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and lysozyme activity of serum increased significantly for the dietary with vitamin C supplementation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 脂肪含量为5%、6%、7%,按正交L9(34)表对大口黑鲈进行饲喂试验。

    Fat of 5 % , 6 % and 7 % .

  5. 大口黑鲈养殖群体遗传多样性的分析我们产品的最大消费群体是年轻女性。

    Genetic diversity analysis of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) cultured in ponds Most of our custom comes from young women .

  6. 大口黑鲈病毒性溃疡病病原的分离和鉴定大多数反病毒程序使用已知病毒特征数据库。

    Isolation and preliminary identification of the pathogen from largemouth bass ulcerative syndrome Most AV programs use a database of known virus signatures .

  7. 除精氨酸外,补充包膜晶体氨基酸使饲料氨基酸模式与大口黑鲈肌肉的氨基酸模式一致。

    Zein-coated crystalline amino acid mixture was supplemented in test diets to simulate , except for arginine , the amino acid profile of largemouth bass muscle protein .

  8. 饥饿对大口黑鲈消化道指数的影响为肝体比从试验的第3天开始明显下降(P<0.05),第20天开始保持稳定水平(P>0.05);

    From day 3 the liver weight / body weight ( LW / BW ) began decrease ( P < 0.05 ), and maintained a constant after 20 days of starvation ( P > 0.05 ) .