
  1. 他们大宴宾客。

    They entertain on a large scale .

  2. 门罗一家继续大宴宾客。

    The Monroes continued to entertain extravagantly .

  3. 一天,鲁生将这尊假汉鼎献给了一位权贵。权贵如获至宝,便大宴宾客,请大家共同欣赏。

    One day , Lu Sheng presented this fake tripod to an influential official , who was so pleased as if he had got a treasure that he invited guests to a banquet to appreciate it together .

  4. 汤姆在大宴上吃得不能再吃了。

    Tom was filled to satiety by the big dinner .

  5. 有,他办大宴款待我们。

    Yes , he entertained me with a banquet .

  6. 想也知道劳勃一定要大宴宾客。

    Robert will want a prodigious feast .

  7. 权贵如获至宝,便大宴宾客,请大家共同欣赏。

    who was so pleased as if he had got a treasure that he invited guests to a banquet to appreciate it together .

  8. 第二天,曹操大宴宾客,让祢衡击鼓取乐。

    One day , at a banquet in honor of distinguished guests , Cao bid Mi to work as a drummer , just to insult him for fun .

  9. 我们政府,在如同警察国家的武装保护里,自我陶醉于「历史性仪式」的想像、与酒酣耳热的轮番大宴中。

    Behind its police state-like barricades , our government remains blinded by its delusions of a " meeting of historic proportions ", and indulges itself in its receptions and banquets .

  10. 她什么时候想大宴宾客,就可以发出邀请,这些客人和那些反对她的思想僵化的老糊涂相比,心情愉快得多,衣服也漂亮得多。

    Any time she wanted to fill her house with guests , she could do so and these guests would be far more entertaining , far more handsomely dressed than those prissy , strait-laced old fools who disapproved of her .

  11. 虽然加拿大人身边也有诸如“肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡”、“奶油松糕”“甜甜圈汉堡”等美国佳肴*,但他们做梦都想着从美国的饕餮大宴中分到更多的美味。

    While some delicacies like the " KFC double down , " " twinkies , " and the " Krispy Kreme burger " have made their way up * , Canadians dream of more options from the US 's plethora of fine foods .