
  • 网络college mathematics;University Mathematics
  1. 论大学数学教育在高等教育中的科学创新功能

    Science Innovative Function of the College Mathematics Education in Higher Education

  2. 数学文化在大学数学教学中的重要性分析

    Analysis on the Importance of Mathematical Culture in College Mathematics Teaching

  3. 基于MATLAB的大学数学实验

    The University Mathematics Experiment Based on MATLAB

  4. 他是IBM和TheOpenGroupMaster认证IT专家,并且拥有多特蒙德大学数学学位。

    He is an IBM and The Open Group Master Certified IT Specialist , and he holds a degree in mathematics from the University of Dortmund .

  5. ISO9000质量管理体系在大学数学教育中的应用

    The Application of the ISO9000 System of Quality Management to university mathematics education

  6. 几个月前,我和十几岁的女儿去牛津大学数学研究所(Oxford’sMathematicalInstitute)听斯蒂芬?霍金(StephenHawking)的讲座。

    A few months ago , my teenage daughter and I went to see a lecture by Stephen Hawking at Oxford 's Mathematical Institute .

  7. 2007年,Ken被剑桥大学数学系录取,但没过多久就直接辍学改行做起了专业扑克玩家。

    Ken studied mathematics at Cambridge University since 2007 but soon dropped out to become a professional poker player .

  8. 这个数字体系使用起来很简便,每周都要额外上一堂大学数学课的七年级生玛丽·麦克唐纳(MaryMcDonald)说,它更快捷,也更有条理。

    The number system is easier to work with , said Mary McDonald , a seventh-grader who takes an extra university math class once a week . It 's faster and more organized .

  9. 史丹佛大学数学教授KeithDevlin告诉NPR记者AudieCornish:“这其实是一个从最简单的数学提炼出的非常高明的方式。”

    Stanford mathematics professor Keith Devlin tells NPR 's Audie Cornish " it 's actually a very clever use of simple mathematics . "

  10. 著名数学史家M.克莱因认为:每一位中学和大学数学教师都应该知道数学史,有很多理由,但最重要的一条理由或许是,数学史是教学的指南。

    The famous mathematician M.Kline thinks that every mathematics teacher in middle school and college should know the history of mathematics . There are many reasons . Perhaps the most important one is that it is the guide of mathematical teaching .

  11. 以模代数及矩阵变换技术为理论基础的Hill-n密码学,作为线性代数知识的进一步应用,在大学数学的学习与应用中是具有相当价值的;

    As one of applications of Linear Algebra , Hill-n encryption is based on modular algebra and matrix transformation .

  12. 中国矿业大学数学系;

    Department of Mathematics , China University of Mining and Technology ;

  13. 燕山大学数学教师发展规划初探

    Probe into the Development Program of Math Teachers in Yanshan University

  14. 让问题解决教学进入大学数学课堂

    Let Teaching of Problem-solving Get into Mathematical Classroom Teaching in University

  15. 大学数学教育呼唤人文精神

    The Teaching of Maths at College Calling for Humanities - spirit

  16. 河南科技大学数学与统计学院;

    Faculty of Science , Henan University of Science and Technology ;

  17. 数学文化对大学数学教育的影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Mathematics Culture on College Mathematics Education

  18. 开展数学建模教学活动与大学数学教育改革

    Activities of the Construction of Mathematical Models in University Math Teaching Reform

  19. 大学数学与学生就业素质的培养

    College Maths and the Development of Students ' Employment Quality

  20. 大学数学教学应重视德育功能

    Moral Education Should Not Be Ignored in College Mathematics Teaching

  21. 开展数学实验课程教学促进大学数学教学改革

    Promoting Reformation Mathematical Education by Introducing Mathematical Experiment Course Teaching

  22. 关于大学数学实验课的教学思考

    Think Deeply in Teaching about the University Mathematics Experiment Lesson

  23. 以素质教育理念探索大学数学教学

    The exploration for college mathematics study with quality education ideas

  24. 数学建模与大学数学教学改革

    Mathematical Modelling and Transformation of the Mathematics Teaching in Universities

  25. 大学数学实验课程教学的实践与认识

    Understanding and Practice in Constructing the Course College Mathematics Experiments

  26. 南京农业大学数学系,南京;

    Department of Mathematics , Nanjing Agricultural University , Nanjing ;

  27. 香港科技大学数学系;

    Department of Mathematics , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ;

  28. 自我简介王翼飞,上海大学数学系教授。

    Wang Yifei , a professor in Mathematics Department of Shanghai University .

  29. 关于提高大学数学教学质量若干途径的思考

    Some ways of improving the quality of College Mathematics Teaching

  30. 大学数学教学中渗透人文精神教育的几点思考

    Some Thinking on the Humanities-Spirit Permeated in College Math Teaching