
dà kǒnɡ ɡuī jiāo
  • macroporous silica gel
  1. 报道用亲水型高分子包敷大孔硅胶基质的羧甲基型(CM)高效弱阳离子交换色谱分离蛋白质的工作。

    Carboxymethyl weak cation exchanger based on macroporous silica gel coated with hydrophilic polymer was synthesized for the separation of proteins .

  2. 亲水型高分子包敷大孔硅胶基质的弱阳离子交换填料用于蛋白质分离高效液相色谱法所用大孔硅胶填料的制备

    Protein Separation By Weak Cation Exchange Chromatography With Hydrophilic Polymer-Coated Macroporous Silica Gel Preparation of Macroporous Silica Gel Packing Material in High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  3. 采用大孔硅胶为载体对ADH进行吸附,研究了吸附动力学和吸附平衡,得到了吸附动力学曲线和吸附等温线,ADH在硅胶上的吸附等温线可以用Langmuir方程拟合。

    Through the study of adsorption kinetics and adsorption equilibrium , the kinetics curve and adsorption isotherm are obtained . And the adsorption isotherm is fitted by Langmuir equation .

  4. 以大孔硅胶为基质的手性色谱填料的制备及应用

    Chiral Stationary Phases Loaded on Macroporous Silica : Preparation and Applications

  5. 用于蛋白质分离的大孔硅胶烷基键合固定相的制备

    Preparation of Alkyl-Bonded Macroporous Silicas Phases for Separation of Proteins

  6. 凝胶渗透色谱用大孔硅胶的制备

    Preparation of Macroporous Silica Gels for Gel Permeation Chromatography

  7. 大孔硅胶反相色谱填料的高温溶剂法合成及其在蛋白质分离上的应用

    Synthesis of Macroporous Silica Based Reversed Phase Chromatographic Packing in High Temperature Solvents for Separation of Proteins and Peptides

  8. 介绍了不同孔径的大孔硅胶基质的制备,二醇基和氨基固定相的合成,及其蛋白质的分离特性。

    The preparation of macroporous silica matrices of different pore diameter , the synthesis of diol and amine stationary phase and their chromatographic characteristics in the separation of proteins are introduced .

  9. 利用均相催化剂和多相催化剂各自的特点,首次在高比表面大孔硅胶负载金属催化剂上担载水相络合催化剂制备复合负载金属支撑水相催化剂。

    Combined catalysts comprising supported metal and supported aqueous phase ( SM SAP ) were prepared by immobilizing the homogeneous catalytic phase in the pores of supported metal catalysts with high surface area .

  10. 带端羟基的大孔硅胶与氯磺酸反应制得分离蛋白质的强阳离子交换色谱填料。

    In this paper , the studies on the synthesis , chromatographic characteristics and application of new packings of high performance strong cation exchange chromatography with sulfonic group for the separation of proteins have been reported .

  11. 经过大孔树脂、硅胶、聚酰胺和SephadexLH-20反复柱色谱分得了3个化合物。

    Methods Three constituents were separated by macroporous resin , silica gel , polyamide , Sephadex LH-20 and spectral analysis .

  12. 方法:采用大孔树脂,硅胶柱层析,SephadexLH-20及RP-C18等技术分离纯化单体化合物,根据理化性质、波谱数据鉴定其结构。

    Method : Compounds were isolated by silica gel , Sephadex LH-20 and RP-C_ ( 18 ) column chromatography and the structures were elucidated on the basis of physiochemical data and spectral characteristics .

  13. 方法:大孔吸附树脂和硅胶柱色谱;IR和NMR等技术鉴定结构。

    Method : The compounds were isolated by macroporous resin and column chromatography , and identified by IR , NMR data .

  14. 并且在已建立的经典的内毒素所致家兔发热模型的基础上研究色谱图与药效的相关性。运用大孔吸附树脂、硅胶及HPLC/MS、NMR从大青叶中分离和鉴定活性成分。

    And studied the correlation between the pointer chromatography and effect on the basis of the build classical model ( rabbit fever caused by endotoxin ) . Then used macroporous resin , silica and HPLC / MS , NMR to isolate and identify the active ingredients in Folium Isatidis .

  15. 发酵液经过预处理后,依次用大孔树脂吸附,硅胶柱吸附层析和薄层层析等分离方法即可获得农用抗生素TS99纯品。

    Pure TS99 could be obtained from pretreatment fermentation broth through macroreticular adsorbent , silica gel column chromatography and thin-layer chromatography .

  16. 采用大孔吸附树脂、硅胶柱层析和制备高效液相色谱等技术从冬青卫矛乙酸乙酯提取物分离得到10个化合物。

    The extract was purified by macroporous adsorption resin , silica gel column chromatograph and pre-HPLC , ten compounds were obtained finally .

  17. 方法:用纯净水提取,溶剂萃取,大孔吸附树脂和硅胶柱色谱分离等方法分离并纯化亚麻根的微量成分,通过波谱分析鉴定化合物的结构。

    Method : Isolation and purification of the trace constituents were carried out mainly by solvents extraction and macroporous adsorbing resin and silica gel column chromatography .