
  • Spray painting;air brushing
  1. 喷绘写真PP合成纸的试制

    The development of PP synthetic paper for ink-jet printing

  2. 主要产品:航天胶片片基、X射线胶片片基、印刷胶片片基、喷绘片片基。

    Main Products : Film base for aviation film , X ray film , Graphic arts film , Ink jet film .

  3. 随着喷绘技术的进步以及计算技术3D技术的发展,浮现出越来越多的三维喷绘作业需求。

    With the improvement of the printing technology and the development of the computer 3D simulation , more and more 3D printing requirement become burst .

  4. 为了提高大型喷绘机的打印速度和打印精度,设计了双CPU结构的嵌入式喷绘机控制系统。

    Inkjet printer control system with an embedded dual CPU structure is designed to improve the printing velocity and precision . The system has two CPUs .

  5. 其次,讨论了该喷绘机系统所采用的RS码的代数编码和译码算法,以及伽罗瓦域(Galois)内的运算规则。

    Secondly , the algebraic decoding algorithm , used in the printer system , and operational principle in Galois field are explained in this thesis .

  6. 主营的PVC刀刮涂层材料包括:广告喷绘用布、卡车篷布、篷房用布、膜结构材料、气密材料以及环保材料。

    Our products mostly focusing in truck cover , tent , membrane structure , advertising billboard , banner flag , swimming pool , inflatable material for boat and toy , treadmill and all purposes of cover . G.

  7. 最后重点介绍了新一代的WDF驱动框架在纺织品数字印刷机通信系统中的开发过程,从而使纺织品数字印刷机的喷绘速度和喷绘精度得到了极大地跃升。

    Finally , focus on the framework of a new generation of WDF driver communication system in the textile digital printing press in the development process , so that the textile digital printing presses and precision printing speed has been greatly risen .

  8. 彩色喷墨绘图机喷绘控制器的研究与设计

    Research on and Design of Plot Controller of Color Inkjet Plotter

  9. 一种利用附加纹理信息进行三维喷绘的方法

    A 3D Painting Method by Using Additional Information of Texture Map

  10. 喷绘写真材料生产过程中的污染分析与控制

    Pollution Analysis and Control of Jet Drawing Materials in Production Process

  11. 16岁时他当了学徒,学习广告喷绘。

    At16 , he served an apprenticeship as a commercial paint sprayer .

  12. 技术精湛的喷绘制作、展览施工队伍和超大面积的后期制作厂房。

    Skilled Penhui production , exhibition and the construction of mega-size post-production plant .

  13. 大型陶瓷壁画电脑喷绘制作系统

    Digital printing system applying to large-scale ceramic wall painting

  14. 数码喷绘耗材用基材的改性与吸墨层的研究

    Modification of the Matrix Materials Used by Ink-Jet Printing and Research on Receiving-Ink Layer

  15. 本工作室采用的是手工喷绘的方式实施制作。

    The studio uses a hand-made inkjet manner .

  16. 数码喷绘机控制软件设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Digital Printer Software

  17. THZ1600型喷绘耗材涂布机的设计研究

    The Craft and Design Technique of the THZ 1600 Type Coater Which in Spraying-Drawing Material

  18. 数据通信系统的优劣直接影响数字喷绘机的打印速度和打印精度。

    Data communication system will directly affect speed digital inkjet printing machines and printing accuracy .

  19. 专业城市艺术词汇,喷绘和街头艺术绘画技巧,等等。

    Urban art glossary , basic aerosol painting and street art techniques , and more .

  20. 吸塑灯箱,水电安装,室内装修,户内外数码喷绘!

    Plastic light box , water and electricity installation , interior decoration , indoor and outdoor digital inkjet !

  21. 易卜拉欣叔叔总是在阳台上散步,当我在喷绘时他会和我聊天

    Uncle Ibrahim was always hanging out on the balcony and talking to me while I was painting .

  22. 他们说,美甲喷绘不仅清晰度好,而且还可以在其上装饰亮点使之更为光彩夺目。

    They say the resolution is good , and they can add glitter and sparkles to jazz up the image .

  23. 我永远不会对自己做这个,尤其是我熟知喷绘、培训师和饮食计划。

    I would never do that to myself , especially because I 'm aware of the airbrushing and trainers and food programs .

  24. 随着打印机市场的发展,大幅面扫描仪和大幅面喷绘机已经应用于各个领域。

    With the development of the printer market , large format scanners and large format inkjet printers are used in various fields .

  25. 喷绘设备作为广告设备及技术发展的新兴成果,一经问世,就在全球范围内迅速普及发展开来。

    As a new technology result of advertising equipment and technological development , printing equipment rapidly spread around the world after appeared .

  26. 是一家从事喷绘写真设备、耗材领域,集方案设计、产品销售、技术服务为一体的专业供应商。

    Is a photo printing equipment and supplies area , set design , product sales , technical services as one of the major supplier .

  27. 本文通过分析彩色喷墨绘图机的工作原理以及组成结构,提出了一种大幅面彩色喷墨绘图机喷绘控制器的设计方案。

    This paper presents the design of plot controller of a wide format color inkjet plotter through the analysis of its principle and construction .

  28. 我不知道,大概是当一切发生的时候我并没有真正相信它的真实,那些巨大的喷绘照片从来就不是真正的我。

    I don 't know , maybe I never really believed it when it was happening ; the airbrushed photo was never really me .

  29. 并且,到了19世纪,喷绘彩色玻璃变得非常普遍;人们开始用它来装饰私人住宅和其他公共建筑。

    And painted glass windows became very popular . In the 19th century , people started using them in private houses and public buildings .

  30. 首先,本文讨论了电子喷绘机图像处理系统硬件设计的要求,以及硬件系统的模块结构和功能划分。

    Firstly , design requirements for hardware system of digital printer as well as the module structure and function classification are discussed in this thesis .