
  1. 大珠母贝金属硫蛋白cDNA序列克隆与表达研究

    CDNA Cloning and Expression of a Metallothionein Gene in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada Maxima

  2. 大珠母贝pmAMY基因的2个内含子都起始于GT,终止于AG,符合内含子共同剪接位点序列。

    Both of the two introns sequences began from GT and ended as AG , which was consistent with common sequences of intron splice sites . 4 .

  3. 培养基组分对hCG核酸疫苗质粒拷贝数的影响大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究

    Effect of Medium Composition on Plasmid Amplification of hCG DNA Vaccine Preliminary Study on the Intermediate Culture Technology of Artificial Pinctada maxima Spats in Cement Pond

  4. 随着CEPA的实施、泛珠三角区域经济合作的推进、中国&东盟自由贸易区的建立,大珠三角地区将成为南中国区域经济发展的龙头。

    With the implement of CEPA , the construction of China-ASEAN free trade zone , the promotion of economic cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta area , the Great Pearl River Delta area would become the leader of economic development in South China .

  5. 大珠母贝对常用饵料摄食及消化能力研究

    The Feeding Ability and Digestion of Pinctada maxima to Common Diets

  6. 国家战略层面的大珠三角城市群发展路径

    National Strategic Development Path for the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomerations

  7. 大珠母贝幼虫早期的摄食习性

    The early feeding habits of the larvae of Pinctada maxima

  8. 大珠的项目,可以做很容易地在两个小时的会议。

    Great beading projects that can be done easily in two-hour sessions .

  9. 大珠三角都市圈内的金融协调与融合趋势

    Financial Cooperation in the Greater Pearl River Delta Metropolitan

  10. 然后是港澳与大珠三角一体化联动发展的趋势、重点与主要方式。

    The sixth is the trend , emphasis and main mode of the GPRDUEC .

  11. 大珠三角区域的制度学习:动因、过程及前景

    Institutional Learning on the Great Pearl River Delta : Reason , Process and Prospect

  12. 鳡人工繁殖及苗种池塘培育技术初步研究大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究

    Preliminary Study on the Intermediate Culture Technology of Artificial Pinctada maxima Spats in Cement Pond

  13. 日本在神龙时期有翡翠,在北海道有翡翠的大珠。

    Jade Dragon periods in Japan , in Hokkaido , there are a large jade beads .

  14. 克隆获得大珠母贝pmAMY基因序列,含3个外显子和2个内含子。

    We obtained the alpha amylase gene of P. maxima with 3 exons and 2 introns .

  15. 提出未来实现大珠三角区域一体化的目标,从政府、企业、交通等多个层面具体的实现途径。

    In order to realize Regional Economic Integration , the paper brings forward approaches from government , enterprise and traffic .

  16. 大珠母贝珍珠层的结构色是由文石板片和蛋白质层构成的多层薄膜结构和黄色素的共同作用决定的。

    The structural color of nacre in bivalve shells of Pinctada maxima is derived from the combination effects of aragonite-protein multilayer structure and yellow pigments in nacre .

  17. 在新的世纪,大珠三角将面临新一轮的产业合作和经济发展模式的调整。

    However , being proud of its splendid history , Pearl River Delta is now facing the new adjustment of regional industrial cooperation and economic development mode .

  18. 大珠三角地区与环渤海、长三角地区一样是中国最发达的三大都市圈之一,其经济政治地位十分显著。

    The greater Pearl River Delta , with its counterparts Bohai Sea surrounding area and Yangtze River Delta , are the three most developed metropolitan circles in China .

  19. 它是天然的奇珍异宝,不是奢侈的装饰品,因为,我想恐怕没有女人的耳朵能吃得住这颗大珠。

    It was a superb natural curiosity rather than a luxurious piece of jewelry , because I don 't know of any female ear that could handle it .

  20. 但是与世界上前五大城市群相比,大珠三角城市群在能量和能级上都无法与之抗衡。

    Nevertheless , comparing with the top 5 urban agglomeration in the world , it is hard to be mentioned in the same breath with those 5 urban agglomeration .

  21. 多时未见的姐妹,每一句话都十分铿锵,大珠小珠落玉盘之感。

    Sisters not seen a long time , every sentence is very rhythmic and sonorous , the senses of the little pearls falling on a plate of jade of big pearl .

  22. 在她的弹奏下,这种有着2000年历史的乐器发出的一曲曲乐音音色和韵味都令人惊叹不已,正如一首唐诗所说,像“大珠小珠落玉盘”一般。

    She produces an astonishing range of colours and moods from a2,000-year-old instrument which produces a sound , observed a poet from the Tang dynasty , like " pearls falling into a jade plate " .

  23. 东方明珠塔的名字来源唐朝诗人白居易的《琵琶行》中关于琵琶的声音的描写,诗人把琵琶的声音比如成珍珠落到玉盘里时的发出美妙声音,“大珠小珠落玉盘”。

    The design of the building is based on a verse of the Tang Dynasty poem Pipa Song by Bai Juyi about the wonderful sprinkling sound of a pipa instrument , like pearls , big and small falling on a jade plate .

  24. 通过人工育苗获取受精卵,在显微镜下对大珠母贝和企鹅珍珠贝的幼虫发育过程进行观察和拍照,记录两种珍珠贝幼虫期的形态变化。

    After the insemination , by a microscope , we observed and photographed the development of P.maxima and P.penguin pearl oyster larvae starting from the fertilized egg and researched the morphological changes of the two kinds of pearl oyster larval stage . 5 .

  25. 展望未来,广东现代化建设进程的加快,以及粤港澳大珠三角和泛珠三角合作日益密切,必将为世界各国各地区的投资者和贸易商创造更加广阔的发展空间。

    Looking forward into the future , with accelerated pases in modernization construction and closer cooperation in the Great Pearl River Delta and the Pan Pearl River delta , Guangdong will provide a wider development space for the foreign investors all over the world .

  26. 讲者包括梁君彦、商务部政策研究室副主任张国庆、暨南大学经济学院封小云教授及大珠三角商务委员会代表梁海国。

    Speakers included Mr Andrew leung , Mr Zhang guoqing , Policy Research Office of the State Ministry of commerce ; ms Feng Xiaoyun of the Institute of economics , the University of jinan ; and Mr Edward Leung of the Greater PRD business council .