
  1. 右岸坝顶边坡物质组成及结构特征复杂,且坡体深部有长大裂隙带发育,其稳定性直接影响着大坝的安全,属于大岗山水电站的一等大工程。

    The material composition and the structural characteristics of the right bank are very complex , and there is a long and large developing crevice belt at the bottom of the slope , whose stability has a direct impact on the safety of the dam .

  2. 位于大渡河流域中游峡谷地段的大岗山水电站也遇到了类似的工程问题,左岸(EL1135-1040m)已开挖建基面上声波检测异常,单孔声波波速偏低。

    Located in the middle of the canyon area in DaDu River DaGang Mountain power station also meet similar engineering problems , left the foundation surface ( EL1135-1040m ) acoustic detection already excavation single-drillhole acoustic wave abnormity is low .