
  • 网络Tai Po;Tai Po District
  1. 新界渔民联谊会有限公司新界大埔区渔民合作社有限责任联社

    " Federation of Fishermen 's Co-operative Societies of Tai Po District , New Territories , Limited "

  2. 地图中央浅绿色地带是较多大埔区居民居住的区议会选区。

    The light green areas are DCCAs ( District Council Constituency Areas ) in central Tai Po where most people in the District live .

  3. 院方现时又策划开办一所学校,寓教学理论於实践,大埔区内的学生将会受惠。

    The Institute is also drawing up plans for running a new school to put teaching theories into practice . Students in Tai Po will definitely benefit from the service rendered by this new school .

  4. 求诊者大部份(32%)居住北区,但也有不少来自大埔区、沙田区及元朗区,和录得零星个案的九龙区。

    Whereas a majority ( 32 % ) of the attendees lived in the same district , some had come from Taipo , Shatin and Yuen Long , and there were scattered cases from Kowloon .