
dà xíng
  • large;large-scale;heavy section
大型 [dà xíng]
  • [large-scale] 规模或外型很大的

  • 大型企业

  • 大型客机

大型[dà xíng]
  1. 专家组还建议,如果奥运会场馆允许观众进入,那么对大型赛事的限制应比目前的限制更严格。

    They also recommended stricter restrictions than those currently in place for large-scale events if spectators are allowed at the Games ' venues .

  2. VISUALBASIC编程在煤矿大型地面监控系统中的应用

    Application of Visual Basic Writing Program in Large-scale Ground Control System of Coal Mine

  3. 这是一家大型跨国企业的全资子公司。

    The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a large multinational .

  4. 他是一个大型国际组织的主席。

    He 's the president of a large international organization .

  5. 小商店被大型的连锁店抢了生意。

    Small businesses are losing out to the large chains .

  6. 你打算举行大型生日宴会吗?

    Are you having a big do for your birthday ?

  7. 体育场的两端安装了大型电视屏幕。

    Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium .

  8. 大型开发项目正在危及森林。

    The forests are being menaced by major development projects .

  9. 一辆大型轿车嗖地从他们身边驶过,拐进了大使馆的大门。

    A large car swished past them and turned into the embassy gates .

  10. 大型油画可以增加小房间的宽敞感。

    Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms

  11. 大部分大型企业在战争初期都转为了公有。

    Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war

  12. 身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。

    As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms

  13. 电力行业对新建大型电厂十分谨慎。

    The electric-power industry is gun-shy about building more large plants .

  14. 大型工厂正试图通过削减成本以维持生存。

    The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs

  15. 大型石油公司无需担心原油销售不出去。

    Oil majors need not fear being unable to sell their crude .

  16. 我们6月份的大型促销一举成功。

    Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success .

  17. 公路系统沿线有大型商场和快餐店。

    Megamalls and fast food restaurants line the highway system .

  18. 大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。

    Large dams have harmed Siberia 's delicate ecological balance .

  19. 他在一艘大型游轮上找了个歌手的差事。

    He got a job as a singer on a cruise ship .

  20. 我看见一家大型工程公司的招聘广告。

    I saw an advert for a job with a large engineering company

  21. 大型海外基金的投资前景非常好。

    Large overseas-based trusts are an excellent each way bet .

  22. 他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。

    He wants to add a huge sports complex to Binfield Manor .

  23. 为处理这些数据,医院购入了一些大型主机。

    To cope with these data , hospitals bought large mainframe computers .

  24. 但在其他商店纷纷关门倒闭之时,大型超市的强劲扩张势头却依旧不减。

    But as other shops fold , the march of the superstores continues

  25. 她飞速赶往拉姆赞先生的大型商场。

    She set off at a cracking pace to Mr Ramzan 's Superstore

  26. 那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋被一辆大型起重机吊走了。

    The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane .

  27. 一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。

    A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river .

  28. 扫描仪在大型商店有售。

    The scanners are available from high street stores .

  29. 更为大型的卫星将被送入轨道。

    Yet bigger satellites will be sent up into orbit

  30. 所有的大型野兽都聚集在这里,鸟类尤其丰富。

    All the big game congregate here , and birdlife is particularly prolific .