
  1. IERS地球参考系统、大地测量常数及其实现

    Terrestrial reference system , geodetic constants and their realization

  2. 大地测量基本常数&对永久性潮汐与大地测量基准一文的一个注记

    Permanent Tides and Geodetic Fundamental Constants

  3. 二是确定这一月球参考系的大地测量几何和物理常数;

    The second one is the determination of geometric and physical constants in the lunar coordinate reference system .

  4. 摘要讨论了我国科学地采用地心三维大地坐标系,主要涉及到的该坐标系的定义、采用的大地测量基本常数以及与此有关的潮汐改正等三个问题。

    This paper discusses how to scientifically employ a geocentric 3D coordinate system in China and analyzes three main scientific problems involved in this regards , i.e. the definition of the system , the geodetic fundamental constants and tidal correction .