
  • 网络YAMATO MAN;yamato;YAMATOMAN;yamatobito
  1. 强烈的忧患意识与现实主义是支撑民族不断创新与发展的精神之源,这就是勤俭智慧的大和人所独有的奋争精神。

    A strong sense of realism is supporting national innovation and development of the spiritual source , this is the largest thrift wisdom and the spirit of the unique struggles .

  2. 目的:观察麝香多肽体外定向诱导成年大鼠和人骨髓间质干细胞(bonemarrowMesenchymalstemcells,BMMSCs)分化为神经元的能力。

    AIM : To investigate the differentiation from adult rat and human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ( BMMSCs ) into neuron with musk polypeptide ( Mu-P ) .

  3. 方法对大鼠和人胰尾部组织进行了光镜(LM)和透射电镜(TEM)观察。

    Methods The nomal tissue of the rat and human pancreatic tails were observed by light and transmission electron microscope ( LM / TEM ) .

  4. 结论:发育中小鼠胃肠道G细胞的发生较大鼠早,其数量变化和分布类似于大鼠和人胎儿。这为进一步证实G细胞同时具备内分泌、旁分泌和外分泌的功能提供了形态学依据。

    Conclusion : The ontogeny of G cells in the mouse gastrointestinal tract was earlier than that in the rat . But the quantitative change and the distribution were similar to those of the rat and human fetus .

  5. 结论:在大鼠和人的血内,Rg1主要以其代谢产物形式存在。

    CONCLUSION : Rg 1 is metabolized in rat and human intestine and its metabolites were found in rat and human sera .

  6. 目的:间隙性PTH应用于大鼠和人都可以促进骨形成,但是其作用机理尚未明确。

    Objective : It is well known that the intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone ( PTH ) can promote bone formation , however the mechanisms of the anabolic effect of PTH on bone is far from clear .

  7. Ghrelin是一种在大鼠和人胃内新发现的生长激素促分泌素受体(GHS-R)的内源性配基,有28个氨基酸,起促生长激素释放作用。

    Ghrelin , a novel 28-amino-acid peptide purified from rat and human stomachs , is the endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor ( GHS-R ) and has strong growth hormone-releasing activity .

  8. 大鼠和人胎肝细胞超微结构的体视法计量

    Ultrastructural morphometry of parenchymal cells of rat and human fetal livers

  9. 我国公司绝大多数属于强集中型的股权结构,公司治理问题的症结在于国有股一股独大和内部人控制。

    The overwhelming majority of corporations in China belong to the highly concentrated ownership structure .

  10. TGF-α及TNF-α对大鼠和人嗜铬细胞瘤细胞增殖及凋亡的不同作用

    Different effects of TGF - α and TNF - α on the proliferation and apoptosis of rat and human pheochromocytoma cells

  11. 报道驯化的高原鼠兔部分血液生化指标,并与实验家兔、大鼠和人的相应指标作了比较。

    Some biochemical indexes in the blood of plateau pika ( Ochotona curzoniae ) were revealed , and compared with those of rabbits , rats and human beings .

  12. 本课题研究了经常使用的几个贝特类药物(吉非罗奇、氯贝特、菲诺贝特、本扎贝特)在大鼠和人的肝微粒体中的代谢稳定性。

    In this study , the metabolic stability of commonly used fibrates ( gemfibrozil , clofibrate , fenofibrate , bezafibrate ) were investigated using rat and human liver microsomes .

  13. 虽然从一些物种(如小鼠、大鼠和人)的骨骼肌中已经成功分离出卫星细胞,但对于家畜(如牛、绵羊)的研究却很少。

    Although skeletal muscle satellite cells successfully isolated from several species , such as mouse rat and human , the study for livestock ( cattle and sheep ) is rarely .

  14. 王信(2002)也认为由于一股独大和内部人控制问题,控股股东倾向于少分红或不分红,以独自享有这部分剩余收益。

    Wang Xin also thought that because of " alone big " and the insider controls , the holding shareholder favors little draws bonus or does not draw bonus , by alone enjoys this part of residual incomes .

  15. 方法:本研究分为大鼠实验和人情志刺激实验两部分。

    Methods : This study divided into two parts , Experimental acute myocardial ischemia in rats and human experiments .

  16. 但同时也带来了一些问题,表现突出的是广大中小股东权益被大股东和内部人肆意的损害,给经济的发展、社会的稳定造成严重影响。

    But it also brought some problems at the same time , among which the violation to the rights and interests of minority shareholders by majority shareholders and " the internal person " is express outstanding . This also affects economic development and social stability seriously .

  17. 大鼠ATG肾炎和人IgA肾病肾组织中XⅧ型胶原的表达

    Collagen type X ⅷ expression in renal tissue of rat anti-Thy-1 glomerulonephritis and human IgA nephropathy

  18. 进行了两方面的DNA损伤实验:(1)采用SCGE技术进行体外实验,观察甲醛对大鼠肝细胞和人血淋巴细胞DNA损伤作用;

    In order to understand the genetic toxicity of formaldehyde emitted from wood-based panels the studies were carried out on cell DNA damages : ( 1 ) Single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) test in vitro on rat liver cells and human lymphocytes .

  19. 结果表明:肌球蛋白ATP酶染色,大鼠、家兔和人跖肌的肌纤维可分成Ⅰ型、ⅡA型、ⅡB型肌纤维,横切面呈多边形或椭圆形,分别约占25%、35%和40%;

    Myosin adenosine triphosphatase staining in rats , rabbits and humans revealed that plantaris muscle fibers were multi-sided or ellipsoid and divided into type ⅰ, ⅱ A and ⅱ B , accounting for 25 % , 35 % and 40 % of the total amount of fibres respectively .

  20. 硼对培养大鼠肾细胞和人羊膜细胞内氟含量的影响

    The Effects of Boron on Fluorine Contents in Sydney Cells of Rats and Human Amnion Cultured

  21. 所有住在吕大和沙仑的人都看见了他,就转向了主。

    And all those dwelling in Lydda and Sharon saw him ; and they turned to the lord .

  22. 在保持法治的不断变革过程中,公众能够实现更大的政治权利和人身自由,社会能够得到有序的运转。

    In the process of reform , the public can get the most political and personal freedom and society are in order .

  23. 目的:研究大鼠、兔和人正常关节软骨组织学结构和关节炎软骨的病理变化。

    Objective To study the histological structure of normal articular cartilage and the pathological changes of osteoarthritic cartilage of rat , rabbit and human .

  24. 在我国上市公司治理中股东赢却演变和扭曲为“大股东赢和内部人赢”。

    But now in the process of listed company government in our country , the shareholders-win is developed and twisted into " big-shareholders-win or insider-win " .

  25. 克莱斯勒汽车屈服于联邦管理机构的要求,召回近300万辆10多年前的旧款大切诺基和吉普自由人。

    Chrysler is giving in to federal regulators ' demands to recall nearly three million older Jeep Grand Cherokee and Liberty SUVs dating back more than ten years .

  26. 目的研究苜蓿皂甙对实验大鼠胆固醇排泄和人脐静脉内皮细胞释放一氧化氮(NO)的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of alfalfa saponin on rat cholesterol excretion and nitric oxide ( NO ) release from human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( HUVEC ) .

  27. 现在斯威夫特要在这位家族的大家长和其他所有人面前为自己辩护,澄清关于她破坏埃塞尔堂妹凯尔肯尼迪八月份婚礼抢了新娘风头激怒了她未来祖母的传闻。

    Now Swift is defending herself to the family matriarch and everyone else against accusations that she crashed Ethel cousin Kyle Kennedys wedding in August , upstaged the bride and infuriated her potential grandmother-in-law .