
Dà qìnɡ jīnɡ shen
  • the spirit of the Daqing Oilfield
  1. 坚持大庆精神教育努力建设医疗队伍

    Uphold Education on the Daqing Spirit , Actively Build Medical Contingents

  2. 东北生态环境恶化与大庆精神反思

    Ecological Environment in the Northeast and Reflection on Spirit of Daqing

  3. 用大庆精神办学,用铁人精神育人。

    Run a school with the Daqing spirit , educate people with the Iron-man spirit .

  4. 大庆精神的超越性与前瞻性使大庆精神富有现实价值;

    The surmounting and prospective characteristic of the Daqing spirit makes the Daqing spirit rich in realistic value .

  5. 大庆精神整合了中华民族的文化精髓,是一部优秀石油文化的文明史。

    Daqing spirit is a civilized history of outstanding petroleum culture , which combines the quintessence of Chinese culture .

  6. 石油企业在长期的发展建设过程中曾经形成了具有鲜明特色的大庆精神和大庆文化。

    Bright Daqing sprit and Daqing culture have been formed in the long course of development and construction in oil enterprises .

  7. 弘扬中医人文精神重视人文科学教育20用大庆精神办学,用铁人精神育人。

    Promoting TCM s Humanity in Medical Education ; Run a school with the Daqing spirit , educate people with the iron-man spirit .

  8. 党的创新理论是政治院校办学育人之魂20用大庆精神办学,用铁人精神育人。

    The Party s Innovation Theory : the Soul in Running a Political Institute and Cultivating Cadets ; Run a school with the Daqing spirit , educate people with the iron-man spirit .

  9. 中国石油工业的发展,离不开社会主义制度能把各方面力量集中起来办大事的优越性,离不开独立自主、自力更生和改革开放政策的有机结合,更离不开艰苦创业、无私奉献的大庆精神。

    It could not have made such a rapid development without the socialist advantage of being able to concentrate all China 's resources on one industry , without the effective combination of self-support with an open policy , and without the Daqing spirit , the spirit of unselfish devotion .

  10. 雷锋精神深深植根于中华民族优秀传统文化,它与井冈山精神、西柏坡精神、大庆精神等都是民族精神的具体体现,是我们党和国家的宝贵精神财富。

    Lei Feng spirit is deeply rooted in the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation , it is the concrete manifestation of the national spirit as Jinggangshan spirit , Xibaipo spirit , Daqing spirit and so on , and it is precious spiritual wealth of our party and country .

  11. 大庆地区精神分裂症五年发病率调查

    A prospective study on the incidence of schizophrenia over five years in Daqing area

  12. 铁人精神是大庆石油企业精神的重要组成部分,也是体现中华民族伟大民族精神的精髓所在。

    Ironman spirit on Daqing petroleum enterprise spirit is an important part of the Chinese nation , but also reflects the quintessence of great national spirit .

  13. 然后研究了大庆石油企业文化的精神根基,领悟了铁人精神的创新发展为大庆石油企业文化建设提供不竭的精神动力,新老两代铁人是大庆精神、铁人精神的人格化体现。

    And then studied the spirit of Daqing petroleum enterprise culture foundation , understood the ironman spirit of innovation development for Daqing petroleum enterprise culture construction provides an inexhaustible spiritual motive , new and old two generations ironman triathlon spirit is the Daqing spirit , the personified embodiment .

  14. 大庆油田企业文化建设具有悠久的历史,大庆精神享誉国内外。

    The construction of enterprise culture of Daqing oilfield has a long history and " Daqing spirit " is honored home and abroad .

  15. 在此基础上,笔者对工业学大庆运动进行了一定的思考并做出了自己的分析与评价:一、如何看待大庆精神?

    On this basis , I have made certain thought on the campaign to learn from Daqing in industry and have made own analysis and appraisal to it : First , how to think about the Daqing spirit ?