
  1. 介绍了大庆油田总医院实施ISO9000的背景、具体做法、经验体会和取得的成效。

    This article introduces the background , practice and effectiveness of implementing ISO 9000 in Daqing Oilfield General Hospital .

  2. 数字图书馆在大庆油田总医院的应用

    Application on digit library in general hospital of Daqing oilfield

  3. 走集团之路构建新型医疗卫生服务体系&访大庆油田总医院集团总经理刘湘彬

    To take th group-characterized road in building new medical and health service system

  4. 大庆油田总医院集团卫生人力资源现状调查

    A Present Survey on the Health Human Resource of Daqing Oilfield General Hospital Group

  5. 大庆油田总医院集团社区医疗模式探讨

    A Study on the Community Medical Models of the Daqing Oilfields General Hospital Group

  6. 大庆油田总医院集团费用预算管理模式创新研究

    Bring Forth New Research for the Budget Management Model of Daqing Oilfield Head Hospital Group

  7. 本文在分析大庆油田总医院集团的预算组织现状、现行预算的编制情况基础上,指出了现行预算管理中存在的突出问题。

    This article point out the obviously existing problems of present budget management on the basis of analyzing organization situation of budget , establishment of budget .

  8. 方法:应用被动单指运动任务,对2004年6月大庆油田总医院住院的1名急性单侧皮质下梗死患者和1名正常右利手被试进行功能性磁共振成像研究。

    METHODS : A patient with unilateral acute subcortical infarction and a normal subject of right handedness , who were hospitalized in the General Hospital of Daqing Oil Field in June 2004 , received fMRI with passive single finger exercise task .