
  1. 相对多雨带与低层流场辐合线有很好的对应关系。

    The eastern rain-belts are closely related with low level flow convergence line .

  2. 当冬季北太平洋涛动偏弱时,夏季主要多雨带位于黄河与长江之间,中心在淮河流域一带(即2类雨型)。

    Yellow River and the Changjiang River in summer ( Rainfall pattern 2 ) when NPO is weaker than normal in winter .

  3. 结果表明,当冬季北太平洋涛动偏强时,我国夏季主要多雨带位于黄河流域及其以北地区(即1类雨型);

    The results indicate that , the major rain belt is located in or north to the Yellow River Valley in summer ( Rainfall pattern 1 ) when NPO is stronger than normal in winter , while the major rain belt occurs between the .