
duō xínɡ hónɡ bān
  • erythema multiforme
  1. 方法:对18例重症多形红斑住院患者的护理进行总结。

    Methods : The nursing of18 severe erythema multiforme patients were summarized .

  2. 重症多形红斑及中毒性表皮坏死松解症18例临床分析

    Analysis of 18 cases of major erythema multiforme and toxic epidermal necrolysis

  3. 多形红斑与HLA相关性研究

    Study on the Association Between HLA and Erythema Multiforme

  4. 对药物所致重症多形红斑(SJS)和中毒性表皮坏死松解症(TEN)进行了对比研究。

    A comparative study of Stevens Johnson syndrome ( SJS ) and toxic epidermal necrolysis ( TEN ) induced by drug was carried out .

  5. 目的探讨重症多形红斑(Stevens-Johnson综合征)的有效护理措施。

    Objective To explore the effective nursing methods of Stevens-Johnson syndrome .

  6. 多形红斑和Stevens-Johnson综合征/中毒性表皮坏死松解症皮损中CD40/CD40配体系统的表达

    The CD40 / CD40 ligand system is expressed in the cutaneous lesions of erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome / toxic epidermal necrolysis spectrum

  7. 儿童重症渗出性多形红斑32例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Patients with Child Erytherma Exudativum Multiforma Major

  8. 药源性重症多形红斑18例临床分析

    Analysis of 18 cases of drug-induced major erythema multiforme

  9. 结论:辨证论治多形红斑疗效显著。

    Conclusions : Syndrome differentiation and treatment shows a better therapeutic effect for erythema multiforme .

  10. 目的:总结周宝宽主任医师辨治多形红斑经验。

    Objective : To summarize syndrome differentiation and treatment experience of erythema muhiforme in clinic .

  11. 1例重症多形红斑型药疹合并糖尿病病人的护理

    Nursing care of a case with severe multiformity erythema drug eruption complicated with diabetes mellitus

  12. 阿昔洛韦治疗多形红斑疗效观察

    Treatment of erythema multiforme with acyclovir

  13. 红斑狼疮伴发多形红斑:2例病例报道及文献综述

    Lupus erythematosus associated with erythema multiforme : Report of two cases and review of the literature

  14. 目的:探讨护理在重症多形红斑治疗中的作用。

    Objective : To discuss the role of nursing in the treatment of severe erythema multiforme .

  15. 目的为了提高对儿童重症渗出性多形红斑(EEMM)的临床认识,提高治愈率。

    Objective To further realizing the clinical features of Erytherma exudativum multiforma major in child and improve the cure rate .

  16. 多形红斑型药疹是最常见的药疹类型,其次是荨麻疹型等。

    The typ e of erythema multiforme was the most common type in the drug eruptions , then urticaria type .

  17. 本文主要探讨复发性多形红斑的病因及临床特点。

    This article states the reasons sex , age , laboratory exanination , therapy and feature of26 cases relapsing erythema multiforme .

  18. 药疹的分型以多形红斑型为主,占88%;其次为剥脱性和荨麻疹型。

    The erythema polymorphe was dominant ( 88 % ) among drug eruptions , it followed by exfoliative dermatitis and urticaria .

  19. 方法回顾性分析32例儿童重症渗出性多形红斑的临床症状及实验室检查资料。

    Methods Clinical and data of lab analysis of 32 patients with Child Erytherma exudativum multiforma major had been investigated retrospectively .

  20. 3例皮损为重症多形红斑,另3例为剥脱性皮炎;其中4例伴严重肝损害。

    The major clinical manifestation included erythema multiforme major of 3 cases and exfoliative dermatitis with another 3.Four cases had liver dysfunction .

  21. 死亡率以剥脱性皮炎型最高,大疱表皮坏死松解型次之,重症多形红斑型最低。

    With regard to the death rate , exfoliative dermatitis was the highest , next was epidermolysis bullosa and Stevens-Johnson syndrome was the lowest .

  22. 方法对23例紫癜型药疹从临床、实验室及组织病理三方面进行分析,并与过敏性紫癜、变应性血管炎、大疱性多形红斑和固定性药疹相鉴别。

    Methods 23 patients with the lesions were collected and analyzed by means of their clinical feature , laboratory and histopathology , and differentiated to anaphylactoid purpura , allergic cutaneous vasculitis , bullous erythema multiforme and fixed drug eruption .

  23. 氟康唑致HIV感染者重症多形性红斑型药疹

    Stevens-Johnson syndrome caused by fluconazole in a patient with HIV infection

  24. 儿童重症多形性红斑和Stevens-Johnson综合征临床对比研究

    A comparative study on children with erythema multiforme majus and Stevens-Johnson syndrome

  25. 目的探讨儿童重症多形性红斑(EMM)的临床特征,提高临床诊治水平。

    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristic and treatment of children with erythema multiforme major ( EMM ), and to improve the diagnosis and treatment ability clinically .

  26. 虽然后者对皮疹的描述在许多方面不同于Hebra的报道,但人们一直将同时累及粘膜的重症多形性红斑看作是SJS,将两者视为同义名。

    Although the latter description of the rash in many ways was different from Hebra reported , but people have regarded the of severe erythema multiforme with mucosa damage as SJS .

  27. 为比较儿童重症多形性红斑(EMM)和Stevens-Johnson综合征(SJS)临床特点和发病诱因,回顾分析了32例EMM和21例SJS住院患者的临床资料。

    To compare the clinical characteristics and the inducing factors in children with erythema multiforme majus ( EMM ) and Stevens-Johnson syndrome ( SJS ), the clinical data of 53 children admitted between 1988 and 2003 were retrospectively reviewed including 32 children with EMM and 21 with SJS .

  28. 儿童重症多形性红斑19例

    Clinical analysis of 19 children with erythema multiforme major

  29. 药疹的临床类型以猩红热型、荨麻疹型、多形性红斑、固定型药疹为多见。

    The most clinical types of eruptions were scarlatina form , urticaria , form erythema multiform and fixed eruption .

  30. 他的下肢出现瘙痒性红色斑丘疹。塞来昔布致重症多形性红斑和肝损害

    He developed a pruritic erythematous maculopapular rash on his lower extremities . Stevens-Johnson syndrome and liver damage after celecoxib therapy