
wài quān
  • outer
  1. 辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。

    The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre .

  2. 调整Nest恒温器的温度非常容易:只需将恒温器的外圈向上或向下旋转即可。

    Adjusting the nest thermostat is easy : you simply rotate the outer ring up or down .

  3. 硬件部分分成CPU及外圈电路、电源部分、信号采集部分、液晶显示部分等,并对这几部分进行了详细的论述。

    Hardware design including CPU and periphery circuit , power part , signal collection part , and LCD are discussed in detail .

  4. 在工序间检测的基础上,提出了轴承外圈圆度数字化测量系统方案,并在V形块定位的圆度模型推导、测量系统滤波分析、硬件电路和软件流程图方面做了介绍。

    This paper analyzes emphatically the feature that the workpiece is located on the V-shape block by outside column surface , and discusses relation of rotor line between outer circle generatrix .

  5. 外圈卫星则嵌满了暗物质,看起来就像Phoebe——卫星上的黑色块状物上的岩屑。

    And the outer moons are dusted with dark stuff , which looks to be debris from Phoebe , a dark-colored lump of a moon .

  6. 对于M型保持架来说,当内圈为转动圈时,应满足P2<P1、δ1,δ2),当外圈为转动圈时,应满足P1<(P2、δ1,δ2)。

    For M - shaped cage , when inner ring is rotating ring , it must satisfy P2 < ( P1 ,δ 1 ,δ 2 );

  7. 用Hertz接触问题的有限元法分析方法,得到高速下球径与外圈接触应力的数值解。

    The accurate numerical value of contact stress in outer raceway and ball diameter under high-speed was achieved with the finite element analysis method of Hertz contact .

  8. YC外球面球轴承外圈一般带油槽,也生产外圈无油槽的产品。

    Usually , the outer ring of the YC bearings has grease groove , bearings having no grease groove are to be provided , too .

  9. 首先,对圆柱滚子轴承滚子与内、外圈接触问题进行了研究,由Hertz弹性接触理论给出接触区主要几何参数、接触应力以及弹性变形量的计算公式。

    The geometric parameters of the contact area , contact stress , as well as the formula of the elastic deformation have been established by Hertz flexibility contact theory .

  10. DAC系列轮毂轴承是由一个整体外圈和两个可分离内圈组成的双列角接触球轴承,有带密封圈和不带密封圈两种结构。

    DAC series wheel bearing is a double row angular contact ball bearing incorporating an integral outer ring and two separable inner rings which is available with seals or without seals .

  11. 用ANSYS和赫兹公式同时对滚轮与支承外圈的接触应力进行了计算,验证了用有限元方法计算接触应力的实用性,也对用ANSYS计算其他接触问题提供了很好的借鉴。

    The contact pressure of the roller and the supporting outer ring is calculated with ANSYS and Hertz Theory at the same time , the calculated result indicates that it is practical to calculate the contact pressure with Finite Element Method .

  12. 仿真研究和轴承内、外圈故障实验分析结果表明,该方法能有效提取轴承故障特征,且效果优于Hilbert包络分析法,在滚动轴承故障特征提取中具有较好的应用前景。

    The results of simulation and experiments of inner ring and outer ring defects show that the fault features are effectively extracted by using this proposed approach . The proposed approach is superior to Hilbert-based envelope method .

  13. 利用振动理论建立了外圈有波纹度的轴承振动响应模型。通过Matlab程序计算,分析了轴承间隙对轴承振动的影响特性。

    Applying the theory of vibration , this research presents a vibration response model of ball bearing with outer race waviness , analysis the effect of radial gap between the ball and the inner and the outer race to ball bearing vibration character by Matlab calculation program .

  14. 外加厚油管在国内外石油生产中应用比较广泛。YC外球面球轴承外圈一般带油槽,也生产外圈无油槽的产品。

    Outer thickening oil tube has been applied popular in the petrol production with the problem of many product . Usually , the outer ring of the YC bearings has grease groove , bearings having no grease groove are to be provided , too .

  15. 内圈和外圈可以因此被分开安装。

    Inner ring and outer ring can therefore be mounted separately .

  16. 在要求高精度时,请使用外圈旋转的方式。

    Please use outer ring rotary when high precision is required .

  17. 采用本工艺可以生产圆锥滚子轴承外圈。

    This technology can be used for producing taper roller bearings .

  18. 对于形状不规则的轴承外圈,用平均反映系数给出了测量结果和圆度之间的近似关系表达式。

    For the irregular , it gives the average reflection coefficient .

  19. 352226X2-2Z轴承外圈淬火模具的改进

    Improvement on Quenching Die of Momentum for 353336x_2-2Z Bearing Outer Rings

  20. 戒指的里圈要比外圈光亮许多

    The inside of the ring is shinier than the outside .

  21. 上外圈,把医生教你的本事拿出来。

    Get on the outside and show what Doc taught you .

  22. 同时,外圈钳形围攻的部队已经会师合围。

    In the meantime the outer pincers had met and closed .

  23. 轴承外圈滚道挡边磨床GB/T862.1-1987外齿锁紧垫圈

    Raceway-lip grinder for roller bearing outer race Lock washers external teeth

  24. 外圈有止推挡边轴承滚柱轴承内圈滚道挡边磨床

    Race & rim grinding machine for inner ring of roller bearing

  25. 正如单列型,外圈滚道是球面。

    As in the single-row type , the outer-ring raceway is spherical .

  26. 轴承外圈测量装置中数据采集部分的研究

    On Data - collecting Section in Bearing Outer - enclosure Measurement Device

  27. 深沟球轴承外圈沟道磨削余量的确定

    Determination on Grinding Margin of Outer Raceway of Deep Groove Ball Bearings

  28. 滚动轴承外圈缺陷非线性动力学分析

    Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Rolling Bearing with Defect Localized on Outer Ring

  29. 带特殊双沟的外圈沟径测量方法

    Measuring Method of Grooved Raceway Diameter of Outer Ring with Special Double-Raceway

  30. 冷热加工轴承外圈的失效分析

    Failure analysis on the bearing outer lane after cold and hot working