
  • 网络history of trauma;wound
  1. 材料与方法回顾分析16例具有完整临床资料的CCF的CT表现,其中有外伤史者12例,占75%,10例经DSA造影证实。

    Materials and Methods CT findings in 16 cases with CCF were retrospectively analyzed . Twelve patients had a history of trauma ( 75 % ), and the diagnosis was confirmed by DSA in 10 patients .

  2. 所有病例均无明确外伤史。

    All cases did not have history of trauma .

  3. 方法:儿童6例,成人6例,均有外伤史,都作头颅CT平扫。结果:12例头颅CT平扫先后都示低密度梗塞灶;

    Methods : 12 patients with traumatic history were imaged by plain CT scan , of them 6 were children .

  4. 平均年龄65.5岁,具有脑血管病的特点,外伤史较隐匿,CT和MRI确诊。

    Their average age was 65.5 years old , with the features of CVD and dormant traumatic history and being diagnosed by CT and MRI .

  5. DAI的诊断要点头部外伤史、临床特征和影像学表现。

    Diagnostic main points of DAI : external injury of head , clinical feature and imaging finding .

  6. 结果:经统计学检验,临床有外伤史的关节腔积液和无外伤史有症状的关节腔积液的ADC值无显著性差异;

    Results : There was no statistical differences of ADC value between traumatic and non traumatic articular effusion .

  7. 结果根据外伤史,临床表现,诊断性腹腔穿刺,腹部B超和CT等检查结果,诊断符合率达94.4%。

    Results The diagnosis was established by the history of injury , clinical presentation , diagnostics peritoneal punctures , abdominal ultrasonography and / or CT . The accuracy rate of diagnosis was 94.4 % .

  8. 除2例2眼1a前有拳击外伤史,余均无明显外伤史。

    They had no trauma except 2 eyes of 2 children , resulting from boxing wound 1a before .

  9. 方法:分析11例经临床诊断或手术证实的儿童肠及肠系膜钝性创伤CT表现,全部病例均有明确的腹部外伤史,6例手术治疗,5例保守治疗。

    Methods : The CT manifestation of 11 patients with acute bowel and mesentery blunt injury in children were analyzed . All cases had a history of apparent abdominal injury . 6 patients underwent surgery and 6 were treated conservatively .

  10. 结果老年CSDH痴呆外伤史不明显(80%);

    Results 80 % of the old patients with aged CSDH-induced aphrenia did not have history of evident trauma .

  11. 结果确切的头颈部外伤史,伤后抽搐、无严重意识障碍,1-6d后出现偏瘫、失语等临床表现,头颅CT、MRI检查可提高小儿外伤性脑梗塞早期诊断的准确性。

    Results the specific head-neck trauma history , spasm after injury , no serious disturbance of consciousness , some clinical manifestations such as hemiplegia and aphasia 1-6 d later , the examinations of CT and MRI can increase the accuracy of early diagnosis of pediatric traumatic cerebral infarction .

  12. 报告一无明显外伤史之眼球铁质沈着症病例。

    Report a case of siderosis bulbi without definite ocular injury history .

  13. 均有明确膝关节外伤史。

    All patients had the history of knee joint injury .

  14. 方法:9例儿童生长性骨折患儿有明确头部外伤史。

    Methods : 9 cases suffering from growing skull fracture in childhood .

  15. 结果(1)少年型腰椎间盘突出者多有明显外伤史,急性发病。

    Results ( 1 ) All patients had trauma history and acute attack .

  16. 12例有外伤史、其中6例脊椎骨折;

    12 cases with injury history , including 6 cases of spine fracture ;

  17. 所有患者身心健康,无正畸-外科联合治疗史以及前牙外伤史,均采用直丝弓矫治技术。

    All patients were healthy without surgery and incisor injury before orthodontic treatment .

  18. 31例原发部位有外伤史。

    There was a trauma history at the primary melanoma site in 31 cases .

  19. 其中3例有发热史,2例有外伤史。

    Of them , 3 had fever and 2 had a history of trauma .

  20. 发病前有短期内眼外伤史者7例,占11.5%。

    Patients ( 11.5 % ) had an ocular trauma history 6 months before the RRD onset .

  21. 尿道损伤则表现为暂时性的充盈缺损或边缘较僵直的狭窄段,有典型的外伤史;

    Urethra damage showed the temporary filling defect or rigid marginated narrowness , with typical damage history .

  22. 结论外伤史和影像学检查对眼球穿通伤的诊治至关重要。

    Conclusion It is important for diagnosis and treatment to learn traumatic history and do medical image examination .

  23. 无手术及外伤史,表明晶体囊膜自发破裂或变性。

    The development of uveitis without surgical or traumatic history indicated spontaneous rupture or degeneration of lens capsule .

  24. 16例患者中6例有明确的外伤史,5例有轻微的外伤史,余5例没有明确的外伤史。

    Of 16 patients , 6 had unambiguous history of trauma , 5 slight , and 5 indistinct .

  25. 外伤史明确,原发脑损伤轻。

    All the patients had clear history of head injury and mild primary brain injury and were old patients .

  26. 方法术前有明确的外伤史及低眼压,通过超声生物显微镜确定睫状体脱离的位置和范围。

    Methods A total of 36 patients with injury and low IOP , ciliary body detachment diagnosed by Ultrasound Biomicroscope .

  27. 结果:2例为糖尿病患者,2例患者有眼外伤史,1例为低蛋白血症患者。

    Results : Of the 9 patients , 2 had diabetes , 2 had ocular trauma and 1 had hypoproteinemia .

  28. 结果本组57例脾破裂,有腹部外伤史56例,无腹部外伤史1例。

    Results : There are 57 spleen rupture cases , 56 cases had abdomen trauma , 1 case had not .

  29. 诊断依据外伤史、外出血、搏动性肿块及远端肢体缺血征象。

    The diagnosis based on the trauma history , external hemorrhage , pulsating tumor and the ischemia syndromes of distal extremity .

  30. 我们报道的这位患者既往无外伤史,无代谢性疾病史,也不是华裔。

    Our patient had no previous trauma , no diagnosed history of metabolic disease , and was not of Asian descent .