
fù chū kǒu
  • reexport;reexportation
复出口[fù chū kǒu]
  1. 加工复出口的产品免征关税和增值税。

    The export tax and value added tax on the products processed and exported orientated .

  2. 根据海关规定,这些展品不可以手提带离中国,必须通过运输途径复出口。

    According to Customs regulation , such items cannot be hand-carried out of China and should re-export by freight .

  3. 加工贸易是指一国从国外进口主要原材料、零部件,加工装配后复出口的一种贸易方式。

    Processing trade means a country importing main raw materials and auxiliary parts to be processed or assembled and re-exported .

  4. 转口货物按保税货物处理,在复出口的条件下免税。

    Transit goods shall be treated as bonded goods , and shall be exempted from duty if they are to be re-exported ;

  5. 经营单位应签订进出口对口合同,原料进境后加工复出口期限不得超过半年。

    The operating unit shall sign the import-export counter-purchase contract , and the processing and re-export period upon import of raw materials may not exceed half a year .

  6. 原产地证明书及外货复出口原产地证明书之格式,由贸易局依各项货品或用途之需要分别定之。

    The formats of the certificate of origin and those of the certificate of re-export shall be ordained by the boft , according to the different needs of specific commodities or functions .

  7. 加工贸易是指从境外保税进口全部或部分原辅材料、零部件、元器件、包装物料(进口料件),经境内企业加工或装配后,将制成品复出口的经营活动。

    Processing trade is an operational activities , which import all or parts raw materials , components , packaging materials ( imported materials ) from abroad , processing or assembly by enterprises within the territory after the resumption of exports of finished products operations .