
tián fáng
  • marry to a widower;remarry to a widower;be the second wife of


tián fang
  • second wife after one's first wife's death
填房 [tián fáng]
  • (1) [remarry to a widower]∶旧时指女子嫁给死了妻子的人

  • (2) [be the second wife of]∶旧时指前妻死后续娶的妻

填房[tián fáng]
填房[tián fang]
  1. 由于搬迁费用昂贵、选址困难,所以该矿在开采方案设计中采用嗣后充填房柱采矿法,用工程类比法确定留设21%的永久矿柱。

    The relocation costs a lot of money , which is difficult to rebuild . Therefore it adopts backfilling room-and-pillar method to mine in the designing of mining , with analog method working for reserving 21 % permanent pillar .