
  • 网络Salem Municipality;Salem city
  1. 1970年佛瑞德退休了,打那以后他们一直居住在塞勒姆市。

    He retired in1970 , and they have lived in Salem since then .

  2. 你家里有人住在塞勒姆市吗

    Do you have any family from Salem ?

  3. 福赛斯技术社区学院(ForsythTechnicalCommunityCollege)(位于北卡罗来纳州温斯顿塞勒姆市)的校长加里•格林表示,学院对课程进行了修订,以便与最新的制造技能系统保持一致。

    Gary green , President of the Forsyth Technical Community College , in Winston-Salem , N.C. , says his institution already has revamped its curriculum to align with the new manufacturing skills system .