
  • 网络compost
  1. 但她说,堆肥法提供了一种既环保又饱含深意的方式,对于一些人说使用其他方式或难达到同样的效果。

    But she saysthat composting provides a method that is both environmentally friendly , andmeaningful in a way that other methods might not be for some people .

  2. 生物通风堆肥法修复原油污染土壤的实验研究

    Remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil by bioventing and composting technology

  3. 采用堆肥法、失重测定法、CO2生成测定法、酶降解表面观察法和清晰带技术等,对微生物降解聚酯酰胺的特性进行了测试和研究,并分离出具解聚酶活性的菌株。

    The characteristic of polyesteramide copolymers degraded by microorganisms has been tested and studied through the compost method , weight loss test , CO2 formation assay , surface observation of enzyme degradation and clear - zone technique . Some strains that have depolymerase activity have been isolated .

  4. 有一个既古怪、还有点恐怖的环保方式叫做蠕虫堆肥法。

    One strange and somewhat creepy way to be green is called vermicomposting .

  5. 堆肥法处理含油污泥研究进展

    Development of treatment of oil-contaminated sludge by composting

  6. 高温堆肥法处理污泥的探讨

    The Discussion on the Sludge Treatment by the Method of High Temperature Artificial Manure

  7. 莱芜污水处理厂堆肥法处置污泥应用试验

    Application Experiment of Sludge Disposal by Compost Method

  8. 堆肥法是目前有机固体废物资源化的一种有效处理方法。

    Composting is an effective disposal method for resource utilization of organic solid wastes .

  9. 堆肥法处理小城镇垃圾

    Using Compost Method to Treat Town Waste

  10. 土壤综合治理技术&空气抽取法和堆肥法结合使用治理土壤污染

    Soil Treatment Technologies Combined Soil Vapor Extraction and Composting of Contaminated Soils used Together to Clean Complex Contaminated sites

  11. 卫生填埋法和高温堆肥法联用,是适合我国国情的最佳处理方法。

    Combining sanitary landfill with hight temperature compost is an optimum disposal method that fits the conditions of China .

  12. 堆肥法由于垃圾中生物易分解的有机成分低,在各国的应用比例都不高。

    Composing developed in low ratio in all countries because of the low composion of the organism in the garbage .

  13. 蠕虫堆肥法的另一项外带好处就是它能减少一般堆肥过程中所产生的恶臭。

    Another bonus of vermicomposting is that it cuts down on the bad smell that is created during regular composting .

  14. 本文给出了近期国内外对含油污泥的处理方法,并对堆肥法处理含油污泥进行了综述。

    This paper presented the treatment method to the sludge and shortcoming to the method , reviewed the treatment by composting .

  15. 从小城镇垃圾成份分析结果,提出堆肥法在小城镇垃圾处理中的可行性。

    Based on the analysis data of the components of town waste , the paper recommends compost method to treat town waste .

  16. 但传统堆肥法存在历时长、肥效低等问题,因此加速腐殖化进程可提高堆肥效率和堆肥质量。

    But the traditional composting has some disadvantages . So accelerating the humification can improve the composting efficiency and the compost quality .

  17. 因此,全程高温好氧堆肥法能显著缩短堆肥周期、提高堆肥质量,具有很大的应用潜力。

    Therefore , this technology Process can significantly shorten the composting cycle , improve the compost quality , and has great potential .

  18. 用堆肥法处理后的污泥进行农业利用,具有经济简便、不产生二次污染、可资源化等优点。

    The agricultural use of the sludge treated by composting has the advantages of economy , simple , without secondary pollution and recycle .

  19. 对城市固体废弃物的处理,无论是采用焚烧法、堆肥法、卫生填埋法,还是土地填埋法,都会或多或少地对周边的生态环境造成负面影响。

    Disposing of municipal solid waste will have negative effect on neighboring environment , no matter adopting ways of burning , composting , hygienic land-fill or land land-fill .

  20. 据斯佩德和赛德尔所说,说服人们相信堆肥法是一个合法的做法并没有想象的那么难。

    And when it comes to convincing people thatcomposting is a legitimate option , both Spade and Seidel say that it hasn'tbeen as hard as you might think .

  21. 最终,她提出了一个“城市逝者计划”,一个通过堆肥法将遗体转化可以用于丰富的肥料,成为他们曾经热爱的家人和生活的社区的一部分的堆肥系统。

    Ultimately , she came up with the UrbanDeath Project , a composting system that turns bodies into rich soil that can goback to loved ones and the community .

  22. 目前世界上成熟的生活垃圾处置方法有卫生填埋法、焚烧法、堆肥法、热解制能法等,与资源回收相结合,形成立体的综合垃圾处置系统。

    Now the ripe method of the disposal of MSW in the world have sanitary landfill incinerate compost pyrolysis , and combining with resource reclamation it becomes an disposal system of MSW .

  23. 分析了中国城市生活垃圾处理处置中源头分类、填埋法、焚烧法和堆肥法的现状和存在的问题。

    A analysis on the actualities and a certain problems dealing with headstream , sanitary fill , cremating process and composting process in treatment and disposal of urban refuse in China is conducted .

  24. 填埋法占用大量土地而且污染地下水体,造成严重后患;目前广泛采用的方法有土地卫生填埋法、焚烧法和堆肥法。

    Landfill takes up the large land and pollutes the groundwater , and that will make serious trouble in the future ; The common methods of municipal refuse disposal are sanitary landfill , incineration , and composting .

  25. 岛上的一切都井井有条,甚至在岛上上厕所都会有一份指南,叫做“在拉斯克蒂如何拉大便”,这份指南是关于堆肥法、污水处理和化粪池的讲解,相关信息可以在社区网站上找到。

    Everything is very well organized and even going to the toilet on the island has its own manual called " How to Shyte on Lasqueti " which talks about composting , greywater and septic fields , and is found on the community 's website .

  26. 赛德尔没有孩子说服她采用堆肥法,但每一个谈到此事的人最终都接受她的这个观点,包括她最好的朋友——起初对她的想法感到非常惊讶,最后接受了她的决定。

    Seidel doesn 't have any children to convinceof her decision to have her body composted , but she says that everyone she'stalked to about it has ultimately accepted the idea . Even her best friend - whowas initially surprised by Seidel 's plan - has accepted her decisions .